Why Many Progressives Misrepresented and Condemned the Ottawa Trucker Protest

Canada’s “Freedom Convoy” began with protesting rules implemented in January by the Canadian and later the US governments requiring truck drivers to be fully vaccinated to enter their country. It snowballed into a demonstration against dysfunctional coronavirus restrictions. The Ottawa trucker protesters demanded: No Lockdowns, No Mandates, No Vaccine Passports, and if not, that Trudeau resign.

Why Many Progressives Misrepresented and Condemned the Ottawa Trucker Protest

How the Left betrayed the Truckers + Elites Are Smearing Truckers Because We’re Doing Their Job Representing the People

How the Left betrayed the Truckers

Ottawa’s truckers are a symptom of the massive class divide that is opening up across the West. Marxists are sticking their heads in the sand about this generational moment, or papering it over with absurd topsy-turvy leaps. In one recent display of moon logic, the Canadian activist, writer and self-described socialist Nora Loreto complained that “labour” was invisible in the resistance to the “fascist” truckers that had occupied Ottawa. An exasperated comrade chimed in with a story of being a shop steward for a teamster (truck driver) union, and — horror of horrors — the painful truth was that many teamsters were more likely to be in the protest themselves than protesting against it.

The exchange is modern Western Leftism in a nutshell. Is there a single better illustration of the contradictions of the moment? An “activist” and organiser” recoiling in horror at a bunch of truckers — people who work in the real, material economy, ferrying the foodstuffs and goods we all depend on to survive — staging a political protest, only to then ask “but where is the organised working class in all of this?”. Isn’t it obvious to the point of parody that the workers are the people inside the trucks?


Elites Are Smearing Truckers Because We’re Doing Their Job Representing the People

Growing Neo-Colonial Instability Points To The Looming Civilizational Collapse Of Most Of The Globe

I say “most of the globe” because the 21st century civilizational collapse we’re in the early stages of isn’t going to be distributed evenly. Of course, in the long term the unraveling may catch up to even the most momentarily stable areas; as futurist William Gibson has said, “The future is already here — it’s just not evenly distributed.” Which can apply to the breakdown of peace and order as much as it can apply to the expansion of life-improving technologies.

Growing Neo-Colonial Instability Points To The Looming Civilizational Collapse Of Most Of The Globe

Chris Hedges – Who is He, and What is His Purpose?

Chomsky 2.0

Noam Chomsky is in his 90s. He is not going to live forever. He needs a replacement. That replacement is Chris Hedges. The fragmented and wayward American left needs its celebrity leftists to keep their heads in the clouds, with no clear understanding of a cohesive and liberatory political theory, and their minds away from a genuine strategy of organization and revolution.

Chris Hedges – Who is He, and What is His Purpose?