‘I Don’t Give a F*ck About AIPAC,’ Says Mark Pocan


‘I Don’t Give a F*ck About AIPAC,’ Says Mark Pocan

Pocan was drawn into the fracas between progressive lawmakers and AIPAC last month after the group falsely accused him and other representatives of “trying to keep Hamas in power.” The attack came after 10 members of Congress—nine Democrats and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.)—voted against an October 25 resolution pledging unconditional support for Israel’s war on Gaza.

Massie joined progressive Democrats in pushing back against AIPAC, posting on social media that “this baseless smear is meant to intimidate me into voting to send $14+ billion of your money to a foreign country.”

Pocan—who did not vote against the resolution—wrote: “AIPAC is not good at telling the truth. We don’t support Hamas. We just don’t support killing kids, which it seems you do.”


The Lobbyists Who Don’t Want A Ceasefire (transcript)

Biden won’t protect Palestinian Americans from Israeli attacks

For the second time this year, large numbers of armed Israeli settlers have rampaged through Palestinian communities in the occupied West Bank terrorizing Palestinians in their homes.

Biden won’t protect Palestinian Americans from Israeli attacks

Links behind paywalls:

Israeli settlers torch Palestinian homes and cars to avenge deadly shooting. A Palestinian is killed

You, American taxpayer, are helping to fund Israeli settlements

U.S. Ambassador: We Will Not Stand Idly by and Watch Settler Violence

Israel’s Far-right Finance Minister: ‘I’m a Fascist Homophobe But… I Won’t Stone Gays’

Israel Eases West Bank Settlement Rules, Clearing Way for New Homes