9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth?

On June 6, Tucker Carlson, America’s most-watched TV pundit, launched a new show on Twitter. No longer reined in by Fox News executives, Carlson was free to ask a big, explosive question: “What exactly happened on 9/11?” He answered himself: “Well, it’s still classified.”

9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth?

H/T: Der Friedensstifter


Tucker Carlson on 9/11 Truth (Building 7)

Tucker Carlson Calls 911 Truthers “Parasites” (Rumble)

How Hunter Biden’s Interests ‘Overlapped’ With Banned Ukrainian Oligarch + More

[2021] How Hunter Biden’s Interests ‘Overlapped’ With Banned Ukrainian Oligarch (archived)


[2022] How One Ukrainian Billionaire Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion (archived)

A 2012 study of Burisma Holdings done in Ukraine by the AntiCorruption Action Centre (ANTAC), an investigative nonprofit co-funded by American billionaire George Soros and the U.S. State Department, found that the true owner of Burisma Holdings was none other than Ukrainian billionaire-oligarch Ihor Kolomoysky.

US Embassy pressed Ukraine to drop probe of George Soros group during 2016 election

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The Hunter Biden / Ihor Kolomoïsky affair

The Biden Administration is finally reacting to the scandals that have arisen from the computer of the president’s son, Hunter Biden. This loser, whose only known activities are those of a junkie and a pimp, managed to become the director of a large gas company; a job he knows nothing about. A man of straw, he signed all sorts of big contracts, in different countries, where he travelled -without right- in official US planes. His father is now launching an operation to cover up his affairs, which has led him to clean up the Ukrainian government.

The Hunter Biden / Ihor Kolomoïsky affair

H/T: Unorthodox Truth


Kings of Ukrainian Gas

Fascinating Timing: Home of Ukrainian Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky Raided