How Czech President And Former General Petr Pavel Succumbed To Nazi Ideas Against Russians

“I can feel sorry for these people, but at the same time, when you look back, when World War II started, the entire Japanese population living in the United States was also under strict surveillance,” Pavel said. That the internment of the Japanese is considered, in the words of US President Joe Biden, “one of the most shameful periods in American history”, Petr Pavel does not seem bothered. Besides the fact that Czechs are familiar with Nazi camps, the Terezin Ghetto in the Czech Republic was one of the largest Nazi concentration camps in Europe during World War II.

How Czech President And Former General Petr Pavel Succumbed To Nazi Ideas Against Russians


Czech President Says Russians in the West Should Be ‘Monitored’ Like Japanese Were in the US During WWII

How about we round up the psychopathic warmongers and put them in internment camps?!

Scores of Russians take Latvian language test as deportation looms

Riga – In a Stalinist skyscraper dominating the skyline of Latvia’s capital, dozens of elderly Russians wait to take a basic Latvian language test as a proof of loyalty to a country where they have lived for decades.

Scores of Russians take Latvian language test as deportation looms

Flashback to when Trump said that he was going to make federal employees to take loyalty tests:

‘Full-blown fascism’: Donald Trump envisions a ‘civil service test’ for ‘every federal employee’