Invisible Ukrainians: A conversation with a professor from the Donbas

From the time that Russian forces invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Western media coverage of the war has been dominated by the perspectives of Ukrainians who support Zelensky’s government and who oppose Russia. While it is vitally important that we be informed of their perspective, we cannot truly understand the Ukraine war without hearing from Ukrainians who reject Zelensky’s rule. In the Western mainstream discourse, those Ukrainians are virtually invisible.

Invisible Ukrainians: A conversation with a professor from the Donbas

Scores of Russians take Latvian language test as deportation looms

Riga – In a Stalinist skyscraper dominating the skyline of Latvia’s capital, dozens of elderly Russians wait to take a basic Latvian language test as a proof of loyalty to a country where they have lived for decades.

Scores of Russians take Latvian language test as deportation looms

Flashback to when Trump said that he was going to make federal employees to take loyalty tests:

‘Full-blown fascism’: Donald Trump envisions a ‘civil service test’ for ‘every federal employee’

How Zelensky was Prevented From Making Peace in the Donbas

A true story censored by the media bubble

There are two Volodymyr Zelenskys: the one we have known since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, who has since been celebrated every day in the Western media as a hero with a spotless white (or green) vest; the other, who was less well-known prior to this significant escalation of the war, which, according to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, began in 2014. (Here are details on the actual start of this war in 2014).

How Zelensky was Prevented From Making Peace in the Donbas

A Nazi Who “Feeds His Wolf With The Bones Of Russian Children” Was Killed In The NVO Zone

A well-known nationalist, member of the right sector* Dmitry Kotsyubaylo, known by the nickname Da Vinci, was killed in the area of a special military operation in Ukraine. He previously said he fed his wolf Russian children’s bones.

A Nazi Who “Feeds His Wolf With The Bones Of Russian Children” Was Killed In The NVO Zone


Flash: Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Ukraine pays tribute to a Nazi militant

John Parker on his Fact-Finding Mission to Ukraine & Findings: US-NATO Proxy War on Donbass & Russia

On September 17, 2022, John Parker, the founder and coordinator of the Harriet Tubman Center For Social Justice in Los Angeles and a leading member of the Socialist Unity Party and a candidate for the US Senate in California on the Peace and Freedom ticket, and also a union organizer, public school teacher, journalist, activist and coordinator of the International Action Center, joins the show to discuss his recent Fact-Finding mission to the Donbass and their findings: US-NATO Proxy War on Donbass & Russia

John Parker on his Fact-Finding Mission to Ukraine & Findings: US-NATO Proxy War on Donbass & Russia via Activist News Network


Fact-Finding Mission to Donbass Part 3

Jacques Baud: The Road to War

by Jacques Baud, The Postil Magazine, 4/1/22

Note: The main thing I would take issue with the author on is his characterization of the Holodomor. I go into the factors that led to that tragic famine in my book. I found no support in my research for his characterization. But other than that, this is a very interesting article from someone with relevant background experience on the war in Ukraine since 2014. — Natylie

Jacques Baud: The Road to War

Some more history on the War in Donbass:

Ukraine Targets & Kills Civilians, Says Russia Did It; U.S.&EU Press Report the Lie (NOT the Truth).

Ukraine Rejects Civilian Passage from Mariupol

Video Source


This article was published last night by the BBC- You’ll notice the spin that kicks off the report. Russia asked the fighters to lay down their arms and exit Mariupol in order to bring in assistance to the remaining besieged civilians. As has been occurring elsewhere. Ukraine preferred to keep as many civilians as can be held. Mariupol has a great many ethnic Russians residents. Ukraine could care less if they are slaughtered by the fighters or starved because the fighter (ukrainazis) refuse to give them up- Mariupol is home of the notorious Azov battalion. Check the links below (they will take down the rabbit hole)

Ukraine Rejects Civilian Passage from Mariupol