More Conclusive Evidence that TPLF’s “Under Siege” Narrative is a lie — and that the UN is helping to peddle it

As reported in August, Tigray has had limited telecom and Internet access for some people in the region at least as far back as early May. Many sources have since confirmed they’ve received regular emails, Whatsapp and Twitter messages from contacts in Tigray for a period of at least the past 10 months.

More Conclusive Evidence that TPLF’s “Under Siege” Narrative is a lie — and that the UN is helping to peddle it

US Congress could consider whether or not to condition US aid to India on improvements in human rights, civil liberties

Members of the US Congress could consider whether or not to condition future American aid to India on improvements in human rights and civil liberties in the country, an independent and bipartisan congressional research body has said.The Biden Administration has requested USD 117 million in foreign assistance to India for FY 2023.

US Congress could consider whether or not to condition US aid to India on improvements in human rights, civil liberties


USAID chief Samantha Power holds talks with govt functionaries

The USAID said Ms. Power met with civil society representatives in Delhi on July 26 to discuss freedom of expression, speech, identity, and the importance of protecting the rights of minority groups.

“The Administrator underscored the United States’ continued commitment to work with civil society organisations around the globe to advance human rights and fundamental freedoms,” acting spokesperson of USAID Shejal Pulivarti said.