[1999] Philippines: The Great Left Divide

A SPECTER is haunting the revolutionary movement in the Philippines — the specter of seemingly interminable splits.

In the seven years since Armando Liwanag issued his “Reaffirm our Basic Principles and Rectify Errors” document, the Left — or more appropriately, the Left of the national democratic (ND) tradition — has gone through an unprecedented period of metastasis. The once monolithic movement that at its peak in the mid-1980s commanded 35,000 Party members, 60 guerrilla fronts, two battalions and 37 company formations, and foisted ideological and organizational hegemony in the progressive politics during the Marcos dictatorship is now history. Out of it have emerged fragments of disparate groups — eight at least — that continue to wage “revolution” in similarly disparate forms.

The Great Left Divide


Philippine Socialism Archive

Banned or Suppressed Publications in the Philippines

Ukrainian MP: We will vote to ban the UOC by the anniversary of the invasion

Oleksandr Aliksiychuk stated that MPs plan to vote on the bill to ban the UOC in February 2024.

MP from “Servant of the People” Oleksandr Aliksiychuk stated that the second reading of the bill to ban the UOC will be voted on in February 2024, dedicating it to the second anniversary of the Russian invasion. He said this in an interview with the public organization “Holka”.

MP: We will vote to ban the UOC by the anniversary of the invasion


US lawyer sends “White Book” on draft law against UOC to the Verkhovna Rada

The US has a long history of interfering in the Orthodox Church

Ukrainian Orthodox Church [UOC-MP] Updates for 11-20-2023


UN agency documents an increase in violence against believers in Ukraine


VoA propaganda: Orthodox Church Row Threatens US Aid to Ukraine*

Video: Tucker Carlson interviews Lawyer for UOC

*Viktor Yelensky

Viktor Yelensky was a member of the Fulbright Scholar Program 2003–2004. Within 2004 he worked at Brigham Young University (Utah, USA).

Viktor Yelensky headed the Ukrainian journal for religious studies “Lyudina i Svit” (“Human Being and the World”, 1995–2004) and lead the Kyiv Bureau of Radio Liberty (2005–2008). Also on the radio he was the host of the program “Freedom of Conscience”.

NGOs, “Unions”, & Media Outlets in the Service of Imperialism

The US has a long history of interfering in the Orthodox Church

Armed security forces surround Ukrainian monastery that is home to hundreds of orphans (+VIDEO)

Security forces brandishing machine guns cordoned off a Ukrainian Orthodox monastery in western Ukraine yesterday, to check documents and people, allegedly part of “security” measures.

Armed security forces surround Ukrainian monastery that is home to hundreds of orphans (+VIDEO)


Security forces with machine guns cordon off the Bancheny Monastery

“Shame!” Thousands of devotees push back security forces from UOC Monastery

The US has a long history of interfering in the Orthodox Church

The Coming Battle: ‘Who Lost Ukraine?’

As it becomes more and more difficult to deny what is happening on the battlefield in Ukraine, a grinding war with hundreds of thousands of casualties, establishment media continue to present a picture of the war designed to rally the public, should its enthusiasm for this latest American overseas adventure begin to flag in the face of long and hard realities.

The Coming Battle: ‘Who Lost Ukraine?’

H/T: Neocons Will Blame Anyone But Themselves For Losing Ukraine | With James W. Carden

As Ukraine’s LGBTQ soldiers fight on the front line, acceptance grows in the conservative country (not really)


As Ukraine’s LGBTQ soldiers fight on the front line, acceptance grows in the conservative country

“My fellow soldiers are really impressed with what I’ve done in Bakhmut, the massive scale of work that I did there, and after that they just don’t care about who I sleep with,” Honzyk, whose medical unit evacuates wounded soldiers and provides emergency first aid, said in a hip café in Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, while on leave from the front line.

That doesn’t sound like what Ivan told the following publication, three days later:

Against Homophobia, For Women’s Rights: Ivan’s Lonely Struggle (original)

Ivan Honzyk came out as gay in March last year. His sexuality is a problem for others. In Russia, he keeps appearing on television for propaganda purposes. In Ukraine, many homosexuals have a hard time in the army. Many live in hiding, says Ivan Honzyk. Soldiers don’t want to meet him for fear of being mistaken for gay themselves.

Zelensky ruins spiritual basics of the Ukrainian society leading it to degradation

Pressure on the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was a passionate supporter of during his 2019 election campaign, began almost immediately after the outbreak of full-scale war in Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Zelensky ruins spiritual basics of the Ukrainian society leading it to degradation

H/T: Union of Orthodox Journalists


Hierarch: Authorities pretend not to hear about UOC’s patriotic stance

‘Prayer is our only weapon’: Monks at Kyiv monastery resist planned eviction

Government officials ignore numerous pieces of evidence that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has no ties with the Moscow Patriarchate and occupies an unambiguous patriotic position, said the rector of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary, Archbishop Silvester of Bilohorodka, in an interview with foreign media.