Macron rejects ‘confrontation’ as he relaunches Asia strategy

Macron rejects ‘confrontation’ as he relaunches Asia strategy

“We don’t believe in hegemony, we don’t believe in confrontation, we believe in stability,” Macron said.

Macron said a coordinated response was needed to tackle the overlapping crises facing the international community — from climate change to economic turmoil triggered by Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Our Indo-Pacific strategy is how to provide dynamic balance in this environment,” he said.

“How to provide precisely a sort of stability and equilibrium which could not be the hegemony of one of those, could not be the confrontation of the two major powers.”

The Indo-Pacific Strategy doesn’t sound as innocent as Macron makes it out to be:

The new US Indo-Pacific Strategy document released in February has two interesting components, one overt and one covert. The document overtly declares the US is an “Indo-Pacific power.” Covertly, its aim is to “tighten the noose around China.” Arguably, minus the military might, China’s nearly a decade-long “Belt and Road Initiative” cannot be perceived as a grand national strategy aimed at controlling Eurasia or the Asia Pacific or any region for that matter. Yet the BRI is mythologized into such a geostrategic game-changer that it has rattled the US and its allies in the Asia Pacific. The BRI, at best, is nothing more than a mere geopolitical overland and maritime “chessboard” based on trade and investment.

BRI and the ‘Indo-Pacific’ Strategy: Geopolitical vs. Geostrategic

Dunderheaded Diplomacy: Australia’s Funding Offer to the Solomon Islands

What is it about Australian diplomacy that makes it so clumsy and dunderheaded? Is it the harsh delivery, the tactless expression, or the inability to do things with subtle reflection? On September 6, Australian diplomacy gave another display of such form with Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s remarks about the Solomon Islands elections.

Dunderheaded Diplomacy: Australia’s Funding Offer to the Solomon Islands


Solomon Islands votes to delay election as opposition cries foul

Is the Solomon Islands an Australian colony?

[Britain, QUAD] US, Australia criticise India over Russia talks as Lavrov visits Delhi

US, Australia criticise India over Russia talks as Lavrov visits Delhi [They even have Britain and the QUAD going after India]


Not seeking to change India-Russia ties: US on Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov’s New Delhi visit [Liar-They are trying to change their ties!]

H/T: PennyForYourThoughts2

U.S. warns India, others against sharp rise in Russian oil imports [Archived due to paywall]

“Freedom” to do as the US says (rules-based order, not international law). Modi after Pakistan?!

New cold war neocolonialism: West threatens Solomon Islands over China alliance

The Solomon Islands, a sovereign country in the Pacific, broke ties with Taiwan and allied with China. So the US backed a failed violent coup attempt. Australia now calls the area its “backyard,” and media moguls demand an invasion to prevent the nation from signing a security pact with Beijing.

New cold war neocolonialism: West threatens Solomon Islands over China alliance


US Torches Solomon Islands for Choosing China

US to reopen Solomon Islands embassy to counter Chinese influence

AUKUS to bolster combat capabilities of nuclear submarine fleet to challenge China

By Paul Antonopoulos | March 18, 2022

Australia will become the second home for US and British nuclear submarines, meaning that the island country will effectively become a nuclear staging ground aimed at challenging China in the Asia-Pacific region. In this way, AUKUS – a trilateral security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, provokes increased confrontation with China.

AUKUS to bolster combat capabilities of nuclear submarine fleet to challenge China

Solomon Islands leader blames foreign powers for unrest

Solomon Islands leader blames foreign powers for unrest (archived)

External pressures were a “very big … influence. I don’t want to name names. We’ll leave it there,” Sogavare told Australian Broadcasting Corp.

China, meanwhile, expressed concern about recent attacks on some Chinese citizens and institutions, without providing details.

Honiara’s Chinatown has reportedly been hard hit by arsonists and looters.

Local media reported that many of the protesters were from Malaita, whose premier, Daniel Suidani, has been at odds with Sogavare, whom he accuses of being too close to Beijing.

[2019] U.S. establishes foothold in Solomons as Chinese interests expand:

Malaita Premier Daniel Suidani told Reuters the United States would develop a port and supporting infrastructure at Bina Harbour, on the west of the island.

He said the province did not recognize the change in ties to Beijing, and he wanted the United States and its regional allies, including Australia, to push back against any unauthorized development or fishing in its waters.

The province has emerged as an important ally to Washington as the rest of the archipelago starts to work more closely with Beijing.