Corporate interests & front organizations behind ranked-choice voting

Scott Walter Testimony at Wisconsin State Senate


Ranked-Choice Voting: Biggest Advocates

Hewlett Foundation, Chamberlain Project, Peter Ackerman, Action Now Initiative, George Soros, Open Society Foundations, Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros Foundation, Soros Fund Charitable Foundation, Laura and John Arnold Foundation, Tides Foundation, Joyce Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Pierre Omidyar, Omidyar Network, Democracy Fund, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Public Welfare Foundation, Katherine Gehl

Capital Research Center – InfluenceWatch

Capital Research Center – SourceWatch

Heritage Foundation, Hoover Institution, Bradley Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, State Policy Network (Atlas Network)

Front Organizations

Hollywood and left-wing foundations behind climate charity quietly bankrolling extremist protest groups

A little-known climate change advocacy organization heavily funded by celebrities and influential left-leaning foundations has been quietly dishing out grants to various activist groups deploying unorthodox and extremist methods across the world to protest fossil fuels, documents reveal.

Hollywood and left-wing foundations behind climate charity quietly bankrolling extremist protest groups


Climate Capitalists/Green Capitalism