US Law Enforcement Investigating Guyana Government Involvement in Surveillance of Rickford Burke’s Home, Transnational Repression Complaint Filed

US law enforcement is investigating armed men who have been conducting surveillance around the home of Mr. Rickford Burke, President of the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID). Security camera footage captured the men video recording and taking photographs of Mr. Burke’s home and his vehicles’ license plates.

US Law Enforcement Investigating Guyana Government Involvement in Surveillance of Rickford Burke’s Home, Transnational Repression Complaint Filed

Well, I’ll be damned! He’s the head of an NGO called the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy! I wonder who funds that?!


AG declines to speak on legality of Guyanese police officer participating in delivering summonses to Rickford Burke in US

Jagdeo says Rickford Burke was properly served summonses; police, govt silent on key questions

Earlier this year, Mr Burke’s CGID organised a conference on Guyana to highlight alleged discrimination against Afro-Guyanese by the largely Indo-Guyanese backed People’s Progressive Party of which Mr Jagdeo is its General Secretary.

Pakistan Suggests Killing Of Journalist In Kenya Was Targeted

Pakistan says evidence suggests the shooting of a prominent Pakistani journalist who was living in Kenya may have been an assassination as media watchdog Reporters Without Borders called for an independent United Nations probe into the incident.

Pakistan Suggests Killing Of Journalist In Kenya Was Targeted

H/T: Imran Khan


This famous journalist’s suspicious death in Kenya by a sniper shot to the head, which came shortly after he announced the upcoming release of an anti-corruption documentary exposing his country’s US-backed post-modern coup regime, might prove to be a tipping point in Pakistan’s political crisis.

Was Arshad Sharif Assassinated By Pakistan’s US-Backed Post-Modern Coup Regime?

Who killed Arshad Sharif? 5 questions that raise suspicions of the involvement of powers beyond the Kenyan police.

Disinformation, Absolutely + Sharp wind from the Bundestag

By Patrick Lawrence / Original to ScheerPost

1. Everything you will read in this commentary is disinformation.

2. To say that this commentary contains disinformation is disinformation.

3. To say statements calling this commentary disinformation are disinformation is disinformation.

Disinformation, Absolutely


Sharp wind from the Bundestag

People who try to report on the war in Ukraine from the Russian side or who try to provide humanitarian aid to those in need in the new Russian territories are excluded from public discourse. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are becoming hollow concepts. In the future, anyone who says something that looks like a “playing down of Russian war crimes” can be punished for “incitement of the people” according to a legislative amendment passed by the Bundestag in summary proceedings on Thursday. By Ulrich Heyden.

US partially lifts Iran sanctions to stoke “anti-government protests by providing internet access, the Treasury Department said”

US partially lifts Iran sanctions

Iranian officials have already alleged that forces from “outside the country” are working to stir up unrest over Amini’s death. On the same day that protesters first took to the streets in Iran, China warned fellow members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which Iran joined that day, to beware of foreign-instigated “color revolutions.”

H/T: Syriana Analysis


Millions rally across Iran to condemn violent foreign-backed riots

“The enemy’s recent plot, which is followed by collecting, unifying, organizing and training all the failed and scattered capacities and equipping them with weapons of violence and Daesh-style behavior, is a vain attempt and doomed to failure,” the IRGC said in the Thursday’s statement.

At least 35 people have been killed, including five security personnel, during the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests (over 60 ambulances have been destroyed). MEK claims that the death toll is 4X more than is being being reported.

On another note, Elon Musk told Augustin Antonelli that he will “save” Cuba, as well. Agus Antonelli is from the right wing think tank, Fundación Libertad. Fundación Libertad is affiliated with the Atlas Network, which has “quietly” received funding from the NED, the State Department, and the USAID.