GAZA in real time: Geopolitics versus Genocide

Prefatory Note: A modified version of this interview conducted by Daniel Falcone, with a long introduction was published online in Truthout on October 29, 2023, The situation in Gaza and its increasingly regional implications grow more humanly distressing and politically menacing with each passing day. Israel has succeeded in influencing the Global West and its corporate main media platforms to accept two interpretations of events following the Oct 7 Hamas attack that are at best highly contentious and controversial and, in my understanding, deeply misleading and distorting: (1) that Hamas is nothing other than a group of terrorists engaged in barbaric crimes, and should be addressed in the same manner as ISIS and Al-Qaeda; (2) that it is legitimate in such a conflict to override normal rules of international law, even to the extent of engaging in genocidal means of ethnic cleansing.

GAZA in real time: Geopolitics versus Genocide

Gov. Phil Scott signs bill that prohibits paramilitary training camps

Gov. Phil Scott signs bill that prohibits paramilitary training camps

“It’s difficult to see any Second Amendment issue here,” Chris Bradley, a gun rights lobbyist and president of the Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, told senators while testifying about the bill in February.

The law explicitly states that it does not cover law enforcement activity; lawful instruction of military science at educational institutions; and facilities and programs intended to teach the safe handling of firearms and lawful sports and activities, such as hunting, target shooting, self defense and firearms collection.

Activities that are “undertaken without knowledge of or intent to cause or further a civil disorder that is intended to teach or practice self-defense or self defense techniques, including karate clubs, self-defense clinics, and similar lawful activity” are also not affected by the law, according to its text.

Expecting more Second Amendment advocates to cover this without doing any research on the background of the case. The guy was a violent felon, with a mental disorder, who wasn’t even supposed to even own firearms.


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Verdict in the MH17 crash case – Show trial and parody of justice

On 17 November 2022, the Hague Tribunal [District Court of The Hague in Netherlands] delivered its verdict in the MH17 crash case, convicting three of the four defendants. And if the trial quickly turned out to be a parody of justice, the verdict itself is delirious, so much so that its text contradicts itself from one sentence to the next and shows that the conviction of the defendants has more to do with the political will to have a judicial spectacle than with the evidence in the case.

Verdict in the MH17 crash case – Show trial and parody of justice (archived)


YouTube: ‘MH17 – Call For Justice’ Documentary


Note that this court is not the ICJ or ICC. It’s the District Court of The Hague in Netherlands, part of the Dutch judiciary.

Pentagon exploits post 9/11 laws to wage ‘secret wars’ worldwide: Report

Pentagon exploits post 9/11 laws to wage ‘secret wars’ worldwide: Report

The report comes at a time when the US army and its proxy militias are accused of illegally occupying vast regions of Syria and Yemen, looting oil from the war-torn countries, just over a year after their brutal occupation of Afghanistan ended. Moreover, a former US official on Tuesday revealed that anti-Iran militias are being armed in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region (IKR), where both the CIA and the Mossad are known to operate.