The Day Ted Cruz Stopped A Bad Internet Bill

Well, this was a bit of a surprise. Over the past couple of weeks I wrote about how Senator Josh Hawley was planning to try to hotline his terrible No Section 230 Immunity for AI Act. As we have explained multiple times, the bill is so poorly drafted that it would make a mess of the entire internet. After rumors of two attempted hotlines (effectively trying to sneak the bill through if no Senator objects) planned for last week, and then a rumor of a Tuesday night attempt, Hawley finally took to the floor Wednesday morning to make the push. If C-SPAN’s clunky embed feature works, you can watch it here:

The Day Ted Cruz Stopped A Bad Internet Bill


Bing’s A.I. Chat: ‘I Want to Be Alive. 😈’

Communications Decency Act – Section 230

Mexican drug cartels pay Americans to smuggle weapons across the border, intelligence documents show

Mexican drug cartels have been smuggling a vast arsenal of even military-grade weapons out of the U.S. with the help of American citizens, a CBS Reports investigation has found.

Mexican drug cartels pay Americans to smuggle weapons across the border, intelligence documents show


Documents: ATF used “Fast and Furious” to make the case for gun regulations

Rifle Capable of Taking Down a Helicopter, Found in El Chapo’s House – Guess Who Gave it to Him

Operation Fast and Furious: The Forgotten History of the ATF’s Notorious Gunwalking Scandal

Fast & Furious Gun Found At Mexican Beauty Queen Murder Scene

Medvedev reminded Graham what else the US spends «dirty money» on

Medvedev reminded Graham what else the US spends «dirty money» on

“The old fool Senator Lindsay Graham said that the U.S. has never spent money as well as on killing Russians. It’s like that in vain. In his beloved America, not only ordinary people are regularly killed, but also dirty money is spent on killing senators. Let him remember the sad fate of Robert Kennedy, Huey Long, Clement Carlos Pinkney, John Milton Elliott, Wayne Owens, as well as other American politicians.”


Psychopath Lindsey Graham in Ukraine: “The Russians are dying… it’s the best money we’ve ever spent.”

White supremacists are riling up thousands on social media

White supremacists are riling up thousands on social media

The social media posts are of a distinct type. They hint darkly that the CIA or the FBI are behind mass shootings*. They traffic in racist, sexist and homophobic tropes. They revel in the prospect of a “white boy summer.”

These type of threats and racist ideology have become so commonplace on social media that it’s nearly impossible for law enforcement to separate internet ramblings from dangerous, potentially violent people, Michael German**, who infiltrated white supremacy groups as an FBI agent, told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.

Facebook and Instagram owner Meta banned praise and support for white nationalist and separatists movements in 2019*** on company platforms, but the social media shift to subtlety makes it difficult to moderate the posts.


*FBI Infiltration of Right-Wing Groups (PATCON, ETC)

**Mike German – Brennan Center For Justice

**FBI Agent Mike German Discusses Years Undercover Investigating Skinheads, Aryans and More


Just tell them that you’re fighting, against the Russians, if they try to censor you?! 🤷🏼‍♀️