[2005] The Politics of the Srebrenica Massacre

“Srebrenica” has become the symbol of evil, and specifically Serb evil. It is commonly described as “a horror without parallel in the history of Europe since the Second World War” in which there was a cold-blooded execution “of at least 8,000 Muslim men and boys.” [1] The events in question took place in or near the Bosnian town of Srebrenica between July 10 and 19, 1995, as the Bosnian Serb army (BSA) occupied that town and fought with and killed many Bosnian Muslims, unknown numbers dying in the fighting and by executions. There is no question but that there were executions, and that many Bosnian Muslim men died during the evacuation of Srebrenica and its aftermath. But even though only rarely discussed there is a major issue of how many were executed, as numerous bodies found in local grave sites were victims of fighting, and many Bosnian Muslim men who fled Srebrenica reached Bosnian Muslim territory safely. Some bodies were also those of the many Serbs killed in the forays by the Bosnian Muslims out of Srebrenica in the years before July 1995.

The Politics of the Srebrenica Massacre


The Srebrenica Massacre was a Gigantic Political Fraud – Dr Edward Herman (YouTube)

“Srebrenica: Evidence, Context, Politics.” by Edward S Herman (PDF)

Credit: Jason Hunt

Red Scared: Revising history at the Victims of Communism Museum

“THERE IS NO WAY he is a victim of communism,” my partner quips, pointing to a photo of the late Pope John Paul II. We are near the end of our visit to the new Victims of Communism Museum, standing in an elevator-size lobby with photographs of “victims” screen-printed all over the walls. Among the many victims and honorees: Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, the Dalai Lama, Romanian writer Herta Müller, Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong, and Hungarian neofascist Viktor Orbán.

Red Scared: Revising history at the Victims of Communism Museum (archived)

Why the West Pushes Serbia to Recognize Kosovo

The West continues pressuring Serbia to implicitly recognize Kosovo – the Serbian breakaway region that unilaterally declared independence in 2008. At the same time, the European Union and the United States expect Belgrade to resolutely support Ukraine’s ambitions to retake Crimea, the Donbass, as well as parts of the Zaporizhzhia and the Kherson regions that are still under Russia’s control.

Why the West Pushes Serbia to Recognize Kosovo


Serbia Rules Out Signing EU Plan Over Kosovo’s UN Membership

What is happening in Kosovo?

We reproduce below with thanks an article published by the Anti-Imperialist Front regarding the serious unrest that has lately erupted in the Serbian breakaway province of Kosovo between ethnic Serbians in the north and the puppet Kosovan authorities.

What is happening in Kosovo?

Video via Anti Imperialist Front TV


The Rambouillet text, which called on Serbia to admit NATO troops throughout Yugoslavia, was a provocation, an excuse to start bombing. Rambouillet is not a document that an angelic Serb could have accepted. It was a terrible diplomatic document that should never have been presented in that form. – Henry Kissinger

Rambouillet Agreement

NATO rejects Serbian request – president

The US-led bloc denies there is a need for Belgrade’s troops to return to Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic says

NATO rejects Serbian request – president


Reuters: NATO declines Serbia’s request to deploy its troops in Kosovo

The U. N. Security Council resolution says Serbia may be allowed, if approved by KFOR, to station its personnel at border crossings, Orthodox Christian religious sites and areas with Serb majorities.

Vucic criticised KFOR for informing Serbia of its decision on the eve of the Christian Orthodox Christmas, after Kosovo police arrested an off-duty soldier suspected of shooting and wounding two young Serbs near the southern town of Shterpce.

Police said both victims, aged 11 and 21, were taken to hospital and their injuries were not life threatening.

While Ukraine War Continues Southeast Europe Braces for Conflict in Serbia

Dec 20 2022 – After 300 NATO-trained Kosovar military police officers occupied the northern city of Kosovska Mitrovica in southern Serbia/Kosovo in early December, the Serbian president is looking to send the military into the region under United Nations Sec. Council Resolution 1244.

While Ukraine War Continues Southeast Europe Braces for Conflict in Serbia


A New Brutal Purge Upon the Serbs in the Making, Orchestrated by NATOstan

What Is the Difference Between Kosovo & Donbass?

The U.S. has declared that Donbass is different. How it is different, nobody will say, because you are not supposed to ask, writes Vladimir Golstein.

There once was a country called Yugoslavia. It was a multi-ethnic, multi-religious federalist country, rather prosperous by Socialist standards, and consisting of proud people who stood up to Adolph Hitler and even Joseph Stalin.

What Is the Difference Between Kosovo & Donbass?