Biden Invites Netanyahu to ‘Meet Soon’ in the US, as Israel Has Killed Nearly 200 Palestinians in 2023

President Joe Biden invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “meet soon” in the United States during a phone call on Monday. This comes as Tel Aviv is escalating its military attacks and bombings against neighboring countries, the blockaded Gaza Strip, as well as Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank.

Biden Invites Netanyahu to ‘Meet Soon’ in the US, as Israel Has Killed Nearly 200 Palestinians in 2023

Life in an IDF Firing Zone: For These Palestinians, It’s a Daily Nightmare

Fewer than six months after a court order expelling the inhabitants of Masafer Yatta from their homes, life in the area has changed beyond recognition. Day-to-day existence had always been difficult in the eight small villages scattered through the area in the absence of basic facilities, even before Israel declared the area a military firing zone, but in recent months it has grown even worse amid the constant presence of the Israeli army and live-fire training. Roadblocks between the villages make it harder for the inhabitants to get in and out, and roads are closed to non-residents. As a result, many villagers have stopped using their cars. As in the old days, they ride donkeys or they walk.

Life in an IDF Firing Zone: For These Palestinians, It’s a Daily Nightmare


Classified document reveals IDF ‘firing zones’ built to give land to settlers

Haaretz: No More Blind Support, the IDF Must Be Reined In

Prime Minister Yair Lapid repeated once again on Wednesday that he is a faithful successor to his predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu, at least when it comes to matters of security and occupation. In response to a U.S. announcement, which called upon Israel to reexamine the IDF’s rules of engagement in the territories, the prime minister said: “No one will dictate rules of engagement to us when we’re fighting for our lives.”

No More Blind Support, the IDF Must Be Reined In