The man who was Mao’s hero

The Bruce Lee legend never fades but it might surprise some to learn that among his legion of fans was Chairman Mao, who called him a hero.

Chairman Mao Zedong (1893-1976) and Bruce Lee the martial arts legend (1940-1973) both declared – in their unique ways – that the Chinese people had “stood up”.

The man who was Mao’s hero

I grew up watching dubbed martial arts movies, as my dad was a fan of Bruce Lee.

FYI, I don’t know why this was unpublished. I didn’t do it.

Taiwan: the technology trade turn

Taiwan has a general election on Saturday. The international media has highlighted the election as an important geopolitical pivot – namely, if the current incumbent government party, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), wins the presidency and legislature and continues its call for formal (not just de facto) independence from mainland China, that will mean intensified attacks on Taiwan by Beijing, perhaps leading to military conflict.

Taiwan: the technology trade turn

Beijing to Let Some Low-Risk Patients Home Quarantine as Covid Soars + Some Notes

Bloomberg: Beijing to Let Some Low-Risk Patients Home Quarantine as Covid Soars

Global Times: Flexible measures implemented across China to ensure people’s livelihoods amid cold front

China actually started relaxing it’s Zero-COVID polices on November 11th. The mNRA vaccine hasn’t been approved, yet. The West is pushing for China to use mNRA vaccines.


05-09-2022: Dropping zero-COVID policy in China without safeguards risks 1.5m lives – study

China’s refusal to use Western COVID-19 vaccines is making its protest problems even worse

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New ‘Tank Man’ Takes Down the CCP…

Oct 16, 2022 – Last week someone put a banner in prominent location in Beijing and lit some gasoline to attract police and firefighters. Is that a student protest inspired by protests in Hong Kong? Or rather a protest planned by the same people who also instructed and paid some of the students in Hong Kong? Or is it an CPC-internal intrigue even? Hear my analysis and let me know what you think.

Who is behind that protest banner in Beijing? via Harald in China

…or maybe not, but the MSM hoped it would.


Tiananmen Square

Baoshan govt rejects claims dogs killed after infected owner taken to hospital + Outrage over dog killing in Pudong New Area

Baoshan govt rejects claims dogs killed after infected owner taken to hospital

Zhang confirmed with the city’s official rumor debunking platform that she had already reached agreement with her neighbourhood committee workers before she was taken to the makeshift hospital that they would take care of her four dogs during her absence.

She had left her home keys with committee staff before heading to the hospital and the four dogs were later transferred to a designated place for canines in Yuepu Town where they are all being properly looked after and are in good health.


Outrage over dog killing in Pudong New Area

The neighborhood committee responded that it reacted poorly, as the owner tested positive and they feared the dog was also infected. The committee promised to compensate the owner.

So called “truth tellers” are outraged over something about a bunch of dogs (it was one dog and then some rumors) being killed because of coronavirus—I’m not reposting the garbage from corporate media! One dog murderer doesn’t equate a whole country! These people don’t believe the corporate media when they tell lies about Syria, or Russia, but for some reason they believe them about China?! They’re just limited hangouts, if you ask me!

Animal lovers and helpful community in Shanghai keep pet owners in the know

China’s Shenzhen launches pet care center for owners in quarantine

Temporary ‘pet house’ opens in city of Shenzhen

From Terrified to Triumphant — How China Flipped 2020

It was the worst way to start a year for China. On the New Year’s eve of 2020, Chinese social media were full of rumors about re-emergence of SARS virus from 2003. Chinese New Year was about to begin in three weeks, which would involve hundreds of millions of people traveling all over the country. Xi Jinping had already warned Chinese officials a month earlier that the US-China trade war and sanctions would make 2020 a very challenging year. Now an unknown virus was about to decimate the economy and shred the China dream into pieces.

From Terrified to Triumphant — How China Flipped 2020

McCarthyism Down Under

McCarthyism Down Under

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison held a somber press conference on Friday to announce that the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) had conducted a raid on a sitting member of the New South Wales parliament all because, so far, he’d said favorable things about China and had traveled to the country.


Shaoquett Moselmane at centre of international espionage investigation after 11 years out of the spotlight

He became the first Muslim MP in the NSW Parliament when he joined the Upper House in 2009 to fill a vacancy.

NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane’s home, office raided by police

Shawki Moselmane said his brother was “a very respectable man” who was the subject of racism, and that the AFP would not find any evidence.