The Growing Weakness of Western Artillery Capabilities

After decades of waging war against impoverished nations with destitute armies, or no standing armies at all, the US has suddenly found itself in a rapidly changing world where peer and near-peer competitors are outpacing it in military capabilities. Many of these capabilities are showing up on the battlefield in places the US has until recently enjoyed relative military superiority.

The Growing Weakness of Western Artillery Capabilities

Don’t Be So Quick To Listen To America’s Retired Generals On Ukraine

Don’t Be So Quick to Listen To America’s Retired Generals on Ukraine: Americans have always loved military leaders, especially generals; the 1970 movie Patton, about the life of the United States’ greatest World War II commander, is still popular in America. When the current crop of active and retired generals speak today, it is unsurprising that most in our country reflexively accept what they say at face value. Especially as their assessments and advice relate to American vital national interests in the Russia-Ukraine War, however, such trust should be reassessed.

Don’t Be So Quick To Listen To America’s Retired Generals On Ukraine

He doesn’t think that we’re in a proxy war with Russia?!


At War With the Truth

An interview with General Valery Zaluzhny