Israeli President Claims Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ Was Found in Child’s Room in Gaza

(Rumble) –Full video

Israeli President Isaac Herzog claimed in an interview with BBC on Sunday that Israeli forces found a copy of Adolf Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” in a child’s bedroom in northern Gaza in his latest attempt to justify the mass killing of Palestinian civilians.

Israeli President Claims Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ Was Found in Child’s Room in Gaza


Israel furious that elderly captive spoke of humane treatment by Hamas

Israeli propaganda officials are reportedly upset because elderly Israeli woman Yocheved Lifshitz said that she was treated well while she was detained by Hamas in Gaza over the last two weeks.

Israel furious that elderly captive spoke of humane treatment by Hamas


Why did Israel allow a public diplomacy disaster?

Freedom of the press is important and critical in any situation, especially now. However, Israel’s public diplomacy officials must issue an unequivocal directive that prohibits live media events of this kind in the future. The public’s right to know is important, but not when national security is at stake. In such times, the public can suffice with a recorded and supervised message.

AP erases Israeli pledge to attack Gaza like ‘Axis Power’ as officials threaten Palestinians with ‘Dresden’ doctrine

As Israeli officials proudly compare their bombardment of the Gaza Strip to the Allied firebombing of Dresden, the Associated Press has quietly removed a section noting US alarm over the historical comparison.

AP erases Israeli pledge to attack Gaza like ‘Axis Power’ as officials threaten Palestinians with ‘Dresden’ doctrine


Gaza awaits aid from Egypt as Israel readies troops for ground assault

The seeds of this crisis were planted by the Gilad Schalit deal – opinion

U.S. can ‘certainly’ afford military support to both Israel and Ukraine, meanwhile…

U.S. can ‘certainly’ afford military support to both Israel and Ukraine, Janet Yellen says

“America can certainly afford to stand with Israel and to support Israel’s military needs and we also can and must support Ukraine in its struggle against Russia,” Yellen said, adding that the U.S. economy is doing “extremely well.”

“Inflation has been high and it’s been a concern to households, it’s come down considerably. At the same time, we have about the strongest labor market we’ve seen in 50 years with 3.8% unemployment. And at the same time, America, the Biden administration, has passed legislation that is strengthening our economy in years to come for the medium term.”


Ticking Time-Bomb: Food Inflation Is Crushing Millions Of Low Income Americans (archived)

And so the debate circles round and round. The US, the “most wealthy nation on the planet”, has a food security problem and is on the verge of an inflationary calamity for millions of low income citizens, all while it spends hundreds of billions of dollars on pointless climate change programs, diversity and inclusion initiatives and proxy wars. Something has to give, and the chances are growing that it will be the American consumer.

Secret Intelligence Leaks vs. Basic Common Sense

Historical Examples

During 1940 the determined efforts of President Franklin Roosevelt to involve America in the war against Hitler’s Germany were blocked by the overwhelming opposition of the American people, running at 80% according to some polls. A group of young Yale Law School peace activists had launched the America First Committee and it quickly attracted 800,000 members, becoming the largest grassroots political organization in our national history. The leadership of the AFC included many of our most prominent business and journalistic figures, and famed aviator Charles Lindbergh, one of our greatest national heroes, served as its top spokesman.

Secret Intelligence Leaks vs. Basic Common Sense


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