How much did the US & EU sink into this campaign?!

Tusk Gets His Chance to Bring Poland Back From the ‘Dark Side’

Law & Justice turned Poland into a rogue state on a par with Viktor Orban’s Hungary. The Polish government clashed with the EU over rule of law, control of the media and funding, all while weaponizing LGBTQ issues and women’s rights. Support for Ukraine brought Warsaw into line with its main EU partners, but even there the mood has soured after Warsaw imposed restrictions on Ukrainian grain and suggested it might stop weapons shipments.

Highest voter turnout, huh?! “Civil society organizations” 🧐 AKA front organizations?!


USAID Announces Central Europe Program

US Calls Out Poland for Pre-Election Moves Against Opposition

Hours after President Andrzej Duda approved the creation of a special parliamentary panel to investigate Russia’s meddling in Poland between 2007 and 2022, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said the US shares the concerns “expressed by many observers” that the panel “could be used to block the candidacy of opposition politicians without due process.”

Germany passes impossible “green” heating legislation that will cost economy $1 TRILLION

Geopolitical Trends, w/Dr. David Oualaalou

The left-wing government of Germany has passed a controversial new “green” heating law that will force at least 65 percent of all new installed heating systems to be “renewable” energy.

Germany passes impossible “green” heating legislation that will cost economy $1 TRILLION


Germany Heating Law: How the Building Energy Act Became So Controversial

“If we really want to tackle climate change, the state has to interfere more in what had been private issues because we have to change our behavior,” Römmele said.

Germany mandates switch to heating via renewables with Building Energy Act amendment

The focus of the amendment is on new heating systems, as these are used for an average of 20 to 30 years and the government wants to ensure they are low carbon from the outset. Existing heating systems, however, can continue to be operated as before. This is a compromise reached in the legislative process to mitigate the economic hardships otherwise caused by the amendment.

German politicians and military chiefs suggest return of conscription

Political and military figures in Germany have suggested a return of compulsory military service after the new defence minister described the 2011 phase-out of general conscription as a “mistake” that had contributed to alienating the general public from civic institutions.

German politicians and military chiefs suggest return of conscription


Hitler orders military conscription in Germany

In the statement, Herr Hitler insisted that Germany’s purpose in rearming was to preserve peace for herself and the rest of Europe.

Russian Foreign Ministry condemns Bundestag resolution recognizing the famine in the USSR as genocide

Russian Foreign Ministry condemns Bundestag resolution recognizing the famine in the USSR as genocide

On November 30, the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany adopted a resolution recognising the 1932-1933 famine in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic as the genocide of the Ukrainian people and putting responsibility for it on the Soviet leadership. At the same time, it omitted to mention the fact that not only Ukraine, but the entire territory of our country was affected by the famine, which claimed millions of lives.

Closing their eyes to this fact, German MPs from the ruling coalition and the CDU/CSU opposition block have decided to vociferously support the political and ideological myth promoted by the Ukrainian authorities at the prompting of the far-right, Nazi and Russophobic forces. This is yet another attempt to provide justification and whip up the Western-sponsored campaign aimed at demonising Russia and setting Ukrainians against Russians and other ethnic groups in Russia and the former Soviet Union.

There is an obvious reason for the inflammatory Bundestag resolution, which is trying to take advantage of the terrible famine of 1932-1933. The Germans are trying to rewrite their history and to stop doing penance for the atrocities they committed during the Second World War. They seem to have regard for the ideological followers of the Ukrainian war criminals who hold annual torchlight marches under the banners of the SS Galicia Division.

The German political elite is making use of the alleged genocide of Ukrainians, which radical Ukrainian nationalists are blaming on the Soviet Union, in order to downplay Germany’s responsibility. They are trying to erode the memory of the unprecedented crimes against humanity committed by Nazi Germany during WWII, that is, the deliberate extermination of 27 million Soviet people within the framework of the “total war” on the Eastern Front, the Holocaust and the siege of Leningrad. Was that not a deliberate extermination of the Soviet people? Another element of the Germans’ moral turpitude is their refusal to make compensation payments to the residents of Leningrad, where at least 1,093,842 people died during the siege, including Ukrainians and not only Jews. It is a shame that the Bundestag has taken such an immoral decision, which is reviving the Nazi ideology of racial hatred and discrimination and is an attempt to deny responsibility for war crimes.

Foreign Ministry statement on the German Parliament’s resolution on the 1932-1933 famine in the Soviet Union (


More on the Holodomor Myth

EU foreign ministers pledge to train 15,000 Ukrainian troops for war with Russia

Yesterday, European Union (EU) foreign ministers met at a summit in Luxembourg and pledged a massive escalation of their participation in the NATO war on Russia in Ukraine. This decision confirms that EU countries are at war with Russia and, by the admission of top EU officials, raises the danger of direct military conflict between EU states and Russia.

EU foreign ministers pledge to train 15,000 Ukrainian troops for war with Russia

The SPD and Greens seek to gag rock musician Roger Waters and silence criticism of NATO’s war in Ukraine

Members of the Munich city council, a coalition of the SPD and the Green Party, are seeking to prevent Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters from performing his This Is Not a Drill show at the city-owned Olympiahalle on May 21, 2023. Advance sales for the concert have already begun.

The SPD and Greens seek to gag rock musician Roger Waters and silence criticism of NATO’s war in Ukraine