Disabled need help living, not help dying

AS NEW HAMPSHIRE considers legalizing assisted suicide, also referred to as medical aid in dying (MAID), I would like to draw attention to the potential impacts this bill could have on disabled and other marginalized residents.

I was 19 years old the second time I attempted to die by suicide. I had just been diagnosed with a chronic but not life-threatening illness, I had rapidly lost about 70% of my hearing in the middle of completing a music degree, and I was struggling with untreated anorexia that was taking a serious toll on my health.

At my intake appointment with a new therapist a few days after my attempt, I explained my situation and the hopelessness I was feeling. She nodded along, then looked me in the eyes and said something I will never forget:

“I would probably kill myself if I were you.”

She wasn’t the first person to say this to me as I started becoming more noticeably disabled, but she was probably the last person I expected to do so. Now that I work in disability policy, nothing surprises me. I hear stories from other disabled people about doctors pressuring them to sign DNRs because they are assumed to have a low quality of life due to their disability. I get messages on social media from people asking me how to advocate for appropriate pain management when their doctors don’t believe the amount of pain they’re in. I pore over story after story of people like Michael Hickson and Tinslee Lewis having treatment withdrawn, withheld, or threatened because of the pervasive view that it’s better to be dead than disabled.

Jules Good: Disabled need help living, not help dying

Reintegration Is a Natural Process for Donbass’ People – Field Report

According to the Western mainstream media, the New Regions of the Russian Federation are “captured” territories. It is said that Moscow “annexed” these areas without taking into account the legitimate interests of the local population. It has become commonplace to say that the 2022 referendums are “illegitimate” and cannot be recognized under international law. The high number of pro-Russian votes are often used as an argument in the West to suggest that the electoral process was fraudulent and manipulated.

Reintegration Is a Natural Process for Donbass’ People – Field Report

Despite Peace Breaking Out in Haiti, Biden Still Calls for “UN-Backed” Invasion

Former foes, neighborhood leaders Jimmy Cherizier and Marc-André Alexandre led a united march against Ariel Henry and in support of the farmers of Ouanaminthe through Port-au-Prince on Sep. 18, 2023.

Over 1,000 people surged through the streets of Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince on Sep. 18, calling for de facto Prime Minister Dr. Ariel Henry to step down and shouting their full support of Haitian farmers in the Northeast Department, who are finishing construction of an irrigation canal despite strong objection, threats, and border closure by Dominican President Luis Abinader.

Despite Peace Breaking Out in Haiti, Biden Still Calls for “UN-Backed” Invasion


Biden Demands UNSC Approve Invasion of Haiti

Why the U.S. Government Cares About the Coup in Niger + More

Let us travel back in time to April 9, 1999. It was the middle of hot season in the West African country of Niger and 120 degrees in the shade. Jocelyn, one of the authors, was a newly minted Peace Corps volunteer and had recently arrived in a rural community 60 miles south of Niamey, the capital, where she would spend the next two years. That day, President Ibrahim Bare Mainassara and five other people were shot dead at the airport, a mutiny by his presidential guard. But there was no international outcry, no evacuation of Americans and Europeans. Jocelyn was told to stay put in the small community where she was living. Life went on as usual.

Why the U.S. Government Cares About the Coup in Niger | Opinion


“Divide and Rule”: Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni Is Biden’s “Political Asset”. U.S. Behind Niger Coup d’Etat. America’s Hegemonic Wars Against Europe and Africa

Welfare Queens and Welfare Fraud

The Rise and Reign of the Welfare Queen

Researcher links government assistance program to much earlier origins of welfare stereotypes

How Bill Clinton’s Welfare Reform Changed America

But based on several studies of TANF and its beneficiaries, “it barely reaches even the poorest Americans, and has all but ceased doing the work of lifting people out of poverty,” according to the Atlantic. “‘Welfare reform’ didn’t fix welfare so much as destroy it, and if similar changes were applied to Medicaid and food stamps, they would likely do the same.”

Americans believe benefits fraud is common for SNAP

Experts say that deliberate SNAP fraud is uncommon because of the rigorous application process and multi-step eligibility review. In 2016, the Congressional Research Service determined that for every 10,000 households participating in SNAP, about 14 contained a recipient who was investigated and determined to have committed fraud.

The Truth About Food Stamps

Who Is Really Responsible for Welfare Fraud?

In other words, don’t take a single example or casual observation of welfare fraud and claim it represents the tens of millions of poor who receive welfare benefits.

While welfare fraud committed by the poor appears to be low, the federal government has long recognized businesses being the true criminals.

While these are some of the better known examples of large scale welfare fraud, they are not the only ones. The above cases alone represent over $25 Billion in welfare fraud recovery. The criminals having the greatest impact committing welfare fraud against the government are not the poor, but the privately owned businesses that take advantage of them.

Brett Favre Is The Welfare Queen Republicans Warned Us About


Biggest Perpetrators of Welfare Fraud Are Private Companies, Not ‘Welfare Queens’

Americans must unite to reject 21st Century ‘alien land laws’

Americans must unite to reject 21st Century ‘alien land laws’

Now, taking a page from DeSantis, Congress is considering inserting an amendment into the National Defense Authorization Act that would ban visa holders from targeted countries from making certain agricultural purchases. These restrictions would apply to all 50 states, and be based solely on national heritage. This is wrong and legislators must reject it.


Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

Banning foreign ownership of land doesn’t protect US. It just scapegoats Asian Americans.