Progressives Say Congress Must Raise Debt Limit Now to Protect Social Programs

Progressives Say Congress Must Raise Debt Limit Now to Protect Social Programs

The programs have long been targets of Republicans, despite the fact that Social Security is fully funded through 2035 and is able to pay for 90% of benefits for the next 25 years, even without Congress acting to expand it.


GOP’s Thune Sees Debt-Ceiling Hike as Vehicle for Budget Cuts

White House Knocks Thune’s Bid to Tie Debt Limit to Entitlements

Democrats Introduce Plan To “Fix” Social Security, the way we “fixed” the cat

“Democrats Introduce Plan To Fix Social Security, the way we fixed the cat”

And here is the tragedy. The people who have saved Social Security in the past from “bipartisan” efforts to destroy it, have been seduced into selling it out for a promise of higher benefits paid for by the rich, “The Rich” couldn’t have come up with a better plan if they thought of it themselves