Now That Elon Musk Is Labeling NPR And The BBC As ‘Government Funded,’ Shouldn’t He Do The Same For Tesla, SpaceX, And Twitter?

Never a dull moment in Elonland. Last week, as you’ll recall, he decided that NPR should be labeled as “state-affiliated media” even though NPR was literally Twitter’s prime example of what kinds of independent [corporate] media outlets don’t deserve that label.

Now That Elon Musk Is Labeling NPR And The BBC As ‘Government Funded,’ Shouldn’t He Do The Same For Tesla, SpaceX, And Twitter?


NPR labeled ‘state-affiliated media’ on Twitter, same as Russia’s RT and China’s Xinhua

How about labeling them all with their sponsors, whether it’s the Military-Industrial-Complex, Big Pharma, Big Corporations, Big Banks, government subsidies, etc?!

Zelensky regime leads request for social media platforms to censor “disinformation”

Ukraine has spearheaded a collective call to action, joining forces with seven other Central and Eastern European nations to combat “disinformation” on social media platforms.

Zelensky regime leads request for social media platforms to censor “disinformation”


A joint letter from European heads of government to global technology companies on the need to engage in the fight against disinformation

Social media has become a potent channel for spreading false and manipulative narratives. Paid ads and artificial amplification on Meta’s platforms, including Facebook, are often used to call for violent social unrest, bring violence to the streets and destabilize governments.

Wider Europe Briefing: Ukraine’s Big Plan To Fight Russian Disinformation And Why The EU Is Stalling On Belarus Sanctions

Now, Kyiv wants to repeat the trick by starting an “Information Ramstein” to combat Russian disinformation on a larger scale.

Deep Background: In a letter written by Ukrainian Culture Minister Oleksandr Tkachenko and addressed to the European commissioner responsible for transparency and values, Vera Jourova, he notes that “Ukraine is up against Russia’s vast and centralized information warfare and international influence machine, which includes assets from troll farms to state media, energy companies to corruption networks. Though it cannot compete in terms of scale, Ukraine does have one huge advantage: It can ally with its international partners to create coordinated, targeted, joint-influence operations.”

BREAKING NEWS! Biden announces STUNNING news on China, Taiwan flips out

Political Talk Show Host Garland Nixon issued one of his satirical breaking news tweets that said Biden has ultimate destruction planned for Taiwan. The tweet set off a firestorm of action in Taiwan as officials thought it was real. Garland joins host Clayton Morris for a discussion over how this tweet made such an impact.

BREAKING NEWS! Biden announces STUNNING news on China, Taiwan flips out | Redacted w Clayton Morris

Garland was even ‘fact-checked’ by USAGM’s propaganda mouthpiece, Didn’t know that they even had a ’fact-checking’ site until I saw it mentioned in Snopes.


China Says US Must Provide A Clear Explanation Of ‘plan For The Destruction Of Taiwan’

Chip Geopolitics: If China Invades, Make Taiwan ‘Unwantable’ by Destroying TSMC, Military Paper Suggests

Spycraft or Not, Shootdown of Chinese Weather Balloon Using 5th-Gen Jet Looks ‘Silly’

By Ilya Tsukanov – Sputnik – 05.02.2023

A US jet destroyed a Chinese weather balloon off the coast of South Carolina on Saturday, with US officials saying the balloon had engaged in espionage as it flew over US airspace over the past several days. Beijing insists the dirigible was just a meteorological research balloon that drifted off course.

Spycraft or Not, Shootdown of Chinese Weather Balloon Using 5th-Gen Jet Looks ‘Silly’

China is laughing at the Biden Admin! FYI, they’re launching more spy ballons! 😉