CCDI Plenary Communique Highlights Xi Jinping Thought on Self-Revolution

The work report presented by Li Xi during the session was titled: “In-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the Party’s self-revolution, and in-depth advancement of high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work on the new journey”. 全会由中央纪律检查委员会常务委员会主持。全会深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,全面贯彻落实党的二十大和二十届二中全会精神,回顾2023年纪检监察工作,部署2024年任务,审议通过了李希同志代表中央纪委常委会所作的《深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于党的自我革命的重要思想,纵深推进新征程纪检监察工作高质量发展》工作报告.

CCDI Plenary Communique Highlights Xi Jinping Thought on Self-Revolution

Neutrality and Nonalignment Are Signs of Strength

In Defense of Neutrals: Why they’re more than just fence sitters.

The demise of neutrality has been much exaggerated. Finnish membership and Sweden’s accession application to NATO have been interpreted in some corners as evidence of its decline. In wars of aggression, refusing to pick sides is untenable, some hold, as they berate those who still do not send weapons to Ukraine or sanction Russia.

Neutrality and Nonalignment Are Signs of Strength

Why the West is Whitewashing Terrorism in Vietnam and Myanmar

As US-Chinese tensions grow and as it becomes increasingly clear the US is unable to compete with China head-to-head in terms of development, trade, and investment, especially in regions along China’s periphery, the US is resorting increasingly to asymmetrical measures including political coercion, subversion, and even violence.

Why the West is Whitewashing Terrorism in Vietnam and Myanmar

Video (Odysee) via The New Atlas

Why Revolution? DPRK: History of Continuous US War Games Provocations Against North Korea Since 1953

We are very pleased to republish an excellent history of the massive campaign of threats and intimidation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, aka North Korea) by the United States and its puppet government in South Korea since 1953. This document was published in English on one of the official news websites of the DPRK – the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on 4 September 2022.

The DPRK is a Stalinist workers state whose rather austere brand of socialism is entirely conditioned by this continual threat of war from the United States and South Korea. Every attempt by the North Koreans to “open up” their country economically has been met with extreme hostility and renewed threats of war from the United States Government, who can never forgive the DPRK for the profound humiliation that heroic socialist workers state inflicted on the US during the Korean War as it successfully defended itself from one of the most murderous and genocidal attacks ever seen in world history. The increasingly threatening statements from the US Government of “Lesser Evil” Democrat Joe Biden to target and annihilate the North Korean leadership in a nuclear attack is what has led the DPRK to increase its expansion of its nuclear arsenal and to publish a revised statement of its intent to use nuclear weapons if necessary to defend itself and its people from any attack from the USA, South Korea or any other regional puppet regime. We say: the DPRK has every right to possess and to use nuclear weapons to defend itself from an attack launched by US imperialism or its puppets. We agree with the latest statement published by North Korea regarding its revised policy regarding the use of nuclear weapons to deter a war on the Korean peninsula and to utilize those weapons against the US forces in South Korea should they attempt to attack the DPRK. We will be republishing the text of that declaration of the DPRK in a new article as soon as possible.

Why Revolution? DPRK: History of Continuous US War Games Provocations Against North Korea Since 1953


Joint US-South Korea military exercises conclude, with an eye on North Korea and China

Poland’s Position as the “Next Ukraine”

Brian Berletic

While Western governments and the Western media continue clinging to the hope of an eventual “victory” for Kiev’s forces in Ukraine, the “frontline” is quietly being moved back to western Ukraine and even Poland just across the border. Recent pledges by NATO as well as arms deliveries this year and next appear to be headed in the direction of using Poland as the next battering ram with which US-led NATO will use against Russia.

Poland’s Position as the “Next Ukraine”