Monopolies Cause Inflation, While Fed Chairman Powell Blames Workers

As American monopolies fix prices higher and higher, the Federal Reserve bizarrely has concluded that employment is to blame for inflation. For months, Fed chairman Jerome Powell has increased interest rates in the hopes of throwing workers out in the street and thus supposedly reducing prices. While I’m sure that corporate, donor-bought congressmembers appreciate his struggles in the class war against the poor and middle class, it’s all a crock.

Monopolies Cause Inflation, While Fed Chairman Powell Blames Workers

Intellectual Prostitutes Call Critics Foreign Agents, Useful Idiots

A military funded academic, working at a school launched by Condoleezza Rice, claims leftist and antiwar journalists engage in Russian disinformation. His report doesn’t provide any evidence or refute anyone’s argument, but the mainstream media laps it up.

Intellectual Prostitutes Call Critics Foreign Agents, Useful Idiots


University of Calgary ‘Study’ on ‘Russian Disinformation’ is Pro-NATO Disinformation (missing link)

Canadian Media spreads Absurd Study to fear monger about “Russian Disinformation”

Congress’s ‘Israel Normalization Act’ normalizes ethnic cleansing and impunity

Congress’s ‘Israel Normalization Act’ normalizes ethnic cleansing and impunity

When we hear the phrases Normalizing and Israel, we should always read Normalizing Israel’s impunity and violence. On top of enabling this violence, H.R. 2748 also includes language that limits free speech in support of Palestinian rights and threatens to censor or defund international organizations that may not support “normalization” (read: Israeli impunity and violence) as defined by this bill and through the intent of the Abraham Accords.