They Are Propagandizing For Nazis But Won’t Tell You That

At the start of the recent war in Ukraine ‘western’ media changed their mind about Ukrainian Nazi groups. What they had condemned over years in their headlines and pieces was first whitewashed and when was not enough simply eliminated from the context. As example I had pointed to the changing headlines and descriptions of the fascist Azov militia in the pages of the New York Times.

They Are Propagandizing For Nazis But Won’t Tell You That

The Irony of Liberals Comparing Zelenskyy to Churchill

Pageantry evoking Churchill greets Zelenskyy in Washington

He briefly struggled to find “the proper language” to describe the Russian invaders before settling on “these inhumans.” [Untermensch]

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., drew a connection between Zelenskyy and Churchill. Her father, Thomas D’Alesandro Jr., was a member of the House at the time of Churchill’s 1941 visit. The British leader addressed Congress on the day after Christmas.


[03-01-2022] This is the real Zelensky – Violent Racist

[04-15-2022] How Zelenskiy’s team of TV writers helps his victory message hit home

[2021] Why can’t Britain handle the truth about Winston Churchill?

[2016] Winston Churchill Being On The £5 Note Is An Insult To British Values

London-based organisation accused of endangering lives in Ukraine by publishing personal details on online ‘traitors’ list

London-based organisation accused of endangering lives in Ukraine by publishing personal details on online ‘traitors’ list

Molfar, which is partnered with Ukraine’s Ministry for Digital Transformation and US soft power organisation USAid, has published the personal details of 1,391 “Russian war criminals” at the time of writing.

Media Support ‘Self-Determination’ for US Allies, Not Enemies

Disclaimer: The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site.

Article 1 of the UN Charter says that one of the purposes of the UN is “to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples.” However, what “self-determination” means in specific international legal cases is far from a settled debate. Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute explains that:

contemporary notions of self-determination usually distinguish between “internal” and “external” self-determination, suggesting that “self-determination” exists on a spectrum. Internal self-determinationmay refer to various political and social rights; by contrast, external self-determination refers to full legal independence/secession for the given “people” from the larger politico-legal state.

Media Support ‘Self-Determination’ for US Allies, Not Enemies


Euromaidan 2014 – Orange Revolution – Donbass

The Rational Destruction of Yugoslavia

Corporate media parrots the Azov Battalion

Corporate media parrots the Azov Battalion

A cheerleader for Ukrainian nationalism and war, [Illia] Ponomarenko regularly posts gory photos of dead Russian soldiers and calls for NATO to intervene in the war on Ukraine’s behalf, thus assisting a social media campaign by Ukraine’s armed forces and the far-right that directly violates the Geneva Convention for the humane treatment of prisoners of war.

Notably, [Illia] Ponomarenko’s employer, the newly created Kyiv Independent, receives its funding from western imperialism, including Washington’s National Endowment for Democracy and the EU’s European Endowment for Democracy.

More recently, photos of the apparent killing of civilians in Bucha first appeared on the social media accounts of figures such as Ponomarenko and the far-right “activist” thug Serhii Sternenko. The photos and reports were then fed to Western media outlets, which again seized upon them to call for increased sanctions against Russia and the prosecution of President Vladimir Putin as a war criminal.

Photo captions by the New York Times indicate that Azov Battalion soldiers were among the first to enter Bucha on April 2 after Russian forces left the town on March 30. Despite this fact, claims of a wanton Russian massacre are promoted uncritically while those calling for investigation before judgement are smeared as “Russian trolls.”


The Washington Post Finally Admits The Role of the ‘Far Right’ Azov Battalion in Ukraine

The Washington Post Finally Admits The Role of the ‘Far Right’ Azov Battalion in Ukraine

After months of denying the influence of Neo Nazis in Ukraine’s military, the Washington Post has finally conceded the point – long blasted as “conspiracy theory” or “Kremlin disinformation” – about the nation’s Azov battalion.

The Washington Post Finally Admits The Role of the ‘Far Right’ Azov Battalion in Ukraine

WaPo Article: Right-wing Azov Battalion emerges as a controversial defender of Ukraine