This is how they will CONTROL every Ukrainian + U.S. wants to spread it.

We told you that the app that the U.S. was testing on Ukraine was coming to the U.S. next and it’s here. The app was created by Google and it is a government’s dream. It lets you track you and lets you track your neighbors. What more could a nefarious government agency want??

This is how they will CONTROL every Ukrainian via Redacted


Ukraine’s secret weapon is an app. The U.S. wants to spread it.

How Ukraine Government Is Converting Digital ID System Into Wartime Tool

Democrats Said No One Is Coming To Take Your Gas Appliances – They Lied

In February of this year Democrats and climate activists seized on a study published by a group called Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), and the conclusions of the paper sent alarmists into a frenzy – Claiming they had evidence that natural gas based appliances including gas stoves create emissions that are dangerous to human health, causing asthma and impairing cognitive development, specifically in children. The Biden Administration’s Department of Energy reviewed the study and discussion mounted over the possibility of an incremental ban on various gas appliances, including up to 50% of gas stove models.

Democrats Said No One Is Coming To Take Your Gas Appliances – They Lied

Don’t need birth control, to control population growth, if you just keep bombing people!

Open Letter on Haiti Intervention to ALBA Secretary General Sacha Llorenti

Haitians are in the streets against puppet governments, harsh austerity measures, poverty and neglect, and decades of foreign coups and invasions. Stop the new US led re-invasion and occupation of Haiti!

Send an email to US and UN Authorities to demand NO FOREIGN INVASION IN HAITI!!!

Open Letter on Haiti Intervention to ALBA Secretary General Sacha Llorenti


The US is ushering a new foreign policy doctrine through “The Global Fragility Act.” We need to not only understand these new forms of imperial practice, but to also see the cunning use of language in the service of US imperialism.

Prologue: The Global Fragility Act, April 2022

Wall Street’s Diabolical Plan to Financialize All Nature

This is unacceptable. And is already being pushed. Promoted. Like a ‘vaccine’ that causes harm rather then helping. Like a bitter pill hidden in a pile of sugar.

The Globe and Mail had an article in it’s print edition pushing this very agenda – Is it time to make ‘natural capital’ an asset class?

As I’ve always said the “green” movement is all about money. Profit. Plunder. Exploitation. Profiteering. Monopolization of everything. Denial of your human right to use what nature has given you to use. Since you and I are part of nature we shall be further exploited for profit. You know ‘pandemics and ‘vaccines’ as one form of crony capitalist, technocratic abuse.

Wall Street’s Diabolical Plan to Financialize All Nature


Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class

Water wars loom amid climate collapse & plans for unprecedented imperialist destruction