US military occupation of Syria hinges on FAKE ‘ISIS threat’: Milley

Years after being defeated with the assistance of Iran and Russia, ISIS has made a resurgence in Syria, conducting multiple terror attacks over recent months

US military occupation of Syria hinges on FAKE ‘ISIS threat’: Milley


Defense Intelligence Agency: “Establish a Salafist Principality in Syria”, Facilitate Rise of Islamic State “In Order to Isolate the Syrian Regime”

US-led Terrorism in Central and Northern Syria the Past 48 Hours

US-sponsored terrorism in Syria continues and the past 48 hours were not an exception especially as the evil empire continues to be weakened and its hegemony continues to diminish across the globe, if you believe that the USA combats terrorism anywhere in the world, notably in Syria, please stop reading this post and go back to your comfort zone.

US-led Terrorism in Central and Northern Syria the Past 48 Hours

Video via Arabi S.


Suspected ISIS leader arrested in Hasaka

U.S. Regime Now Tempts Ukrainian Stooge Regime to Invade Russia

This U.S. Government support for Ukraine to retake Crimea is part of a plan by U.S. President Barack Obama, in which he sidelined his Secretary of State John Kerry and backed Kerry’s subordinate Victoria Nuland when she promised the then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that he would continue to enjoy U.S. backing if he expanded his civil war against the breakaway (formerly Ukrainian) region of Donbass so as to invade also Crimea, which had broken away from Ukraine earlier — less than a month after the U.S. coup in Kiev occurred in February 2014. So, the U.S. Government’s now teasing Ukraine’s Government to invade Crimea can’t be understood without knowing its history:

U.S. Regime Now Tempts Ukrainian Stooge Regime to Invade Russia

Turkey’s Erdogan: US still feeding terrorism in Syria, Iraq

Turkey’s Erdogan: US still feeding terrorism in Syria, Iraq

Back in May, a number of captured Daesh terrorists confessed to close cooperation with US military forces stationed at al-Tanf base, which is situated near Syria’s borders with Iraq and Jordan, in the central Syrian province of Homs on carrying out various acts of terror and sabotage.

During confessions broadcast on Syria’s state-run television network, several terrorists revealed that they were instructed by American forces to target Syrian government troops in and around the ancient city of Palmyra, the Tiyas Military Airbase – also known as the T-4 Airbase, the Shaer gas field as well as nearby oil wells.