U.S. Helps Pro-Ukraine Media Run a Fog Machine of War + Supporting Front Orgs

U.S. Helps Pro-Ukraine Media Run a Fog Machine of War

As Congress debates major new funding to support the Ukrainian war effort, U.S. taxpayer dollars are already flowing to outlets such as the New Voice of Ukraine, VoxUkraine, Detector Media, the Institute of Mass Information, the Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine and many others. Some of this money has come from the $44.1 billion in civilian-needs foreign aid committed to Ukraine. While the funding is officially billed as an ambitious program to develop high-quality independent news programs; counter malign Russian influence; and modernize Ukraine’s archaic media laws, the new sites in many cases have promoted aggressive messages that stray from traditional journalistic practices to promote the Ukrainian government’s official positions and delegitimize its critics.

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What is Behind the Growing US-China Crisis Over Taiwan?

Oct 21, 2022 – As the US wages proxy war against Russia through Ukraine, it is attempting the same process through Taiwan against China.

However, there are some major differences that make America’s hostility and encroachment on China even more dangerous including the fact that even Washington, officially, recognizes Taiwan as part of China while openly arming Taipei’s administration, encouraging separatism, and even placing US troops on what is internationally recognized as Chinese territory.

Besides military tensions, economic tensions continue to grow as China is positioned to surpass the collective West economically. The US has responded with growing lists of sanctions and coercive policies targeting not only China but Washington’s own supposed “allies.”

The Chip 4 Alliance seeks to assert US hegemony over the global semiconductor industry but is instead producing a similar backfiring effect as US and EU sanctions on Russian energy exports.

What is Behind the Growing US-China Crisis Over Taiwan? (Odysee) via The New Atlas

Tanks and Think Tanks: How Taiwanese Cash is Funding the Push to War with China

Twenty years ago, a group of neoconservative think tanks used their power to push for disastrous wars in the Middle East. Now, a new set of think tanks staffed with many of the same experts and funded by Taiwanese money is working hard to convince Americans that there is a new existential threat: China.

Tanks and Think Tanks: How Taiwanese Cash is Funding the Push to War with China