Railroads Have Invested Heavily in Congress. They Need Their Payoff in the Senate.

A showdown over a looming railroad strike heads to the Senate floor this week, after a group of progressive Democrats, led by Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., pushed to modify a tentative agreement to include seven days of sick leave. The expanded agreement passed the House 220-206 on Wednesday, and the fight now moves to the Senate, where it remains unclear if there is enough Republican support to overcome a filibuster and send the agreement to President Joe Biden’s desk.

Railroads Have Invested Heavily in Congress. They Need Their Payoff in the Senate.


Why America’s Railroads Refuse to Give Their Workers Paid Leave

The answer, in short, is “P.S.R.” — or precision-scheduled railroading

Democrats Love Saying That AR-15s Should Only Be Used On Foreigners

Every time there’s a mass shooting in America with an AR-15, high-level Democrats line up to proclaim that those weapons should only ever be used to kill impoverished foreigners.

Democrats Love Saying That AR-15s Should Only Be Used On Foreigners


Automatic Rifle vs Assault Rifle – Here’s the Difference

I would hope that veterans of war, like Tammy Duckworth and Pete Buttigeig, would know the difference between a semiautomatic rifle and an automatic rifle (which IS a weapon of war)! Of course, they’re being deceptive!

US, China on Collision Course Over Taiwan

Scott Ritter

Chinese officials have made it clear that their “One China” policy regarding Taiwan is founded on a constitutionally mandated principle of so-called “peaceful reunification.” War, Chinese officials say, is a measure of last resort, only to be employed to prevent the fact of Taiwan’s secession from China, or when possibilities for peaceful reunification have been completely exhausted. But current US policies on Taiwan appear designed to push China to the brink, raising the prospect of armed conflict.

US, China on Collision Course Over Taiwan

US Senators Fly to Taiwan on Military Plane, Angering China + More US-China News

US Senators Fly to Taiwan on Military Plane, Angering China

“If the US continues these gestures and keeps trying to strengthen official ties with Taiwan, as well as the military relationship and other official communications, then this will be seen as provocative. Public opinion could move further in the direction of military action,” Zhu said.

The US officially maintains a policy of “strategic ambiguity” concerning Taiwan and a possible Chinese invasion. But there are growing calls among China hawks in Washington for the US to adopt a policy of “strategic clarity” that would mean the US would commit to going to war for Taiwan if Beijing moves to take the island. The policy change in itself would be a major provocation towards China and make conflict more likely.


Joe Biden’s European diplomatic blitz will have China woven ‘throughout every meeting’

Senate Passes Massive $250 Billion Legislation to Counter China

Biden to Set Up ‘Strike Force’ to Go After China on Trade

What a Flournoy Pentagon Could Mean for the Air Force

What a Flournoy Pentagon Could Mean for the Air Force

While serving as under secretary of defense for policy under Gates, Flournoy was a key architect of the “surge” in Afghanistan and the proliferation of counter insurgency doctrine in that theater and Iraq. She has served as a close advisor to former Defense Secretary James N. Mattis, who reportedly considered her for a top position in the Pentagon. In August, she said there is no quick end to the war in Afghanistan. “It would be a mistake for the U.S. to precipitously draw down or withdraw, particularly to leave Afghanistan before that peace is solidified, because we basically would be pulling the carpet out from under our Afghan partners, Afghan women, Afghan civil society that we’ve fought so hard to help them,” she said.


How to Prevent a War in Asia