“60 Minutes” reveals how US tax dollars are supporting Ukrainian small businesses, farmers, and the salaries of 57,000 first responders

“60 Minutes” reveals how US tax dollars are supporting Ukrainian small businesses, farmers, and the salaries of 57,000 first responders


In Ukraine, American taxpayers funding more than just the military

DFC CEO Travels to Kyiv in Show of Unwavering Support and Makes Several Announcements to Catalyze $1 Billion in Private Sector Engagement

Lindsey Graham is such a psychopath!

Church and state: Republicans revel in divine plan to turn Kansas into ‘conservative sanctuary’

Exaggerating, just a little bit. 🙄

TOPEKA — Adam Peters laced his sermon for Reno County Republicans with conspiracy theories about a liberal plot to turn their children against them, LGBTQ-friendly church pastors who signed a contract with Satan, the ubiquitous travesty of critical race theory, and make-believe enemies working to “foment violent conflict.”

Church and state: Republicans revel in divine plan to turn Kansas into ‘conservative sanctuary’

Watch: Austrian Lawmakers Stage Mass Walkout During Zelensky Speech

As we and others have observed recently, Western populations have grown weary of “sacrificing” their hard-earned money and tax dollars for Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelensky himself has this week acknowledged that ‘Ukraine fatigue’ is setting in, and waning enthusiasm and support for the war effort against Russia, which is clearly evident even to him, apparently.

Watch: Austrian Lawmakers Stage Mass Walkout During Zelensky Speech

Volodzymandias: US Aid is Turning Ukraine into Another Israel

Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Ms. Cat’s Chronicles.

Americans in general aren’t exactly a bunch renowned for their global solidarity but they really do seem to legitimately give a fuck about the besieged people of Ukraine. As a lifelong anti-imperialist who has spent the raw end of a lifetime trying to convince these same motherfuckers that Palestinians and Iraqis are people too, the temptation to roll my eyes at this sudden outpouring of empathy for the one population on the business end of a bomb that doesn’t have “Made in America” stamped on the side of it is understandably high.

Volodzymandias: US Aid is Turning Ukraine into Another Israel

Tax Flight Is a Myth

Tax Flight Is a Myth


Dispelling the Myth of Tax-Induced Capital Flight

A study by the American Sociological Association in 2016 found that while massive top rate tax hikes might cause some millionaires to move from their high-tax state to a low-tax state, the amount of them doing so for this reason was negligible. Millionaires moved for tax purposes around 2.2% of the time. Indeed, in any event the rate of inter-state migration generally was lower for millionaires, at 2.4%, than it was for the general population, at 2.9%.

Debunking the Myth of the Fleeing Millionaire

The “Nation Rebuilding Industry” Salivates Over Ukraine

American taxpayers must prepare to foot the bill.

The powerful military-industrial complex, with generous campaign contributions funneled via K-Street lobbyists to both parties, celebrated a huge victory yesterday. By getting overwhelming majorities in both chambers to approve a whopping, unprecedented $856 billion Pentagon bill, America’s defense industries are assured of continued prosperity for years to come. Pentagon budgets are rarely cut year after year and generally only rise with time.

The “Nation Rebuilding Industry” Salivates Over Ukraine