“60 Minutes” reveals how US tax dollars are supporting Ukrainian small businesses, farmers, and the salaries of 57,000 first responders

“60 Minutes” reveals how US tax dollars are supporting Ukrainian small businesses, farmers, and the salaries of 57,000 first responders


In Ukraine, American taxpayers funding more than just the military

DFC CEO Travels to Kyiv in Show of Unwavering Support and Makes Several Announcements to Catalyze $1 Billion in Private Sector Engagement

Lindsey Graham is such a psychopath!

Countries Eye Weight Tax To Counter Public Safety Threat Of Extremely Heavy, Large EVs

Countries Eye Weight Tax To Counter Public Safety Threat Of Extremely Heavy, Large EVs

The electric Ford Lightning, for example, is a whopping 6,500 pounds. The Hummer EV is even heavier, clocking in at 9,000 pounds. Its battery alone weighs more than a Honda Civic. Experts have pointed out the significant safety ramifications of this transition for a while, but it’s still not clear that we’ve prepared the regulatory and policy landscape for such a transition.

NY Times Blames SOCIAL SPENDING for Debt Crisis—Ignores Endless War

This is a clip from our show SYSTEM UPDATE, now airing every weeknight at 7pm ET on Rumble. You can watch the full episode for FREE here: How Endless War Bankrupted the US While Inflicting Mass Suffering at Home. Plus: Macron Threatens Internet Shutdown & Update on US Govt’s Private Data Purchases | SYSTEM UPDATE #111

NY Times Blames SOCIAL SPENDING for Debt Crisis—Ignores Endless War via Glenn Greenwald


America Is Living on Borrowed Money

America’s Wars and the US Debt Crisis

Jeffrey Sachs: Bipartisan Support of War, from Iraq to Ukraine, Is Helping Fuel U.S. Debt Crisis

Church and state: Republicans revel in divine plan to turn Kansas into ‘conservative sanctuary’

Exaggerating, just a little bit. 🙄

TOPEKA — Adam Peters laced his sermon for Reno County Republicans with conspiracy theories about a liberal plot to turn their children against them, LGBTQ-friendly church pastors who signed a contract with Satan, the ubiquitous travesty of critical race theory, and make-believe enemies working to “foment violent conflict.”

Church and state: Republicans revel in divine plan to turn Kansas into ‘conservative sanctuary’

This is how they will CONTROL every Ukrainian + U.S. wants to spread it.

We told you that the app that the U.S. was testing on Ukraine was coming to the U.S. next and it’s here. The app was created by Google and it is a government’s dream. It lets you track you and lets you track your neighbors. What more could a nefarious government agency want??

This is how they will CONTROL every Ukrainian via Redacted


Ukraine’s secret weapon is an app. The U.S. wants to spread it.

How Ukraine Government Is Converting Digital ID System Into Wartime Tool

Jeffrey Sachs: Bipartisan Support of War, from Iraq to Ukraine, Is Helping Fuel U.S. Debt Crisis

The United States faces a default on its debt in early June if a deal on the debt ceiling is not reached between the Biden administration and Republicans in Congress before then. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is pushing for sweeping budget cuts and new work requirements for recipients of government programs, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP. Notably, however, neither Republicans nor Democrats are proposing cuts to one of the biggest drivers of the nation’s debt: the massive U.S. military budget. “We’ve got to get this military-industrial lobby under control, but it’s hard to do, because it’s a bipartisan affair,” says our guest, economist Jeffrey Sachs, whose recent article is headlined “America’s Wars and the US Debt Crisis.

Jeffrey Sachs: Bipartisan Support of War, from Iraq to Ukraine, Is Helping Fuel U.S. Debt Crisis


The War in Ukraine Was Provoked—and Why That Matters to Achieve Peace