More Conclusive Evidence that TPLF’s “Under Siege” Narrative is a lie — and that the UN is helping to peddle it

As reported in August, Tigray has had limited telecom and Internet access for some people in the region at least as far back as early May. Many sources have since confirmed they’ve received regular emails, Whatsapp and Twitter messages from contacts in Tigray for a period of at least the past 10 months.

More Conclusive Evidence that TPLF’s “Under Siege” Narrative is a lie — and that the UN is helping to peddle it

WHO chief, TPLF leader Tedros silent about his party’s theft of World Food Program fuel

UN World Health Organization chief Dr. Tedros Adhanom is also the world’s most prominent advocate of the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front. He has said nothing about the TPLF’s recent theft of fuel intended for UN relief efforts in Ethiopia.

WHO chief, TPLF leader Tedros silent about his party’s theft of World Food Program fuel


US Says Sending Envoy To Ethiopia, Condemns Eritrea Return To War + More

Tedros is Playing the Race Card to Revive Western Support for Terrorism Against Ethiopia

By Andrew Korybko

He’s immorally taking advantage of the Western population’s growing awareness of their authorities’ racist policies to manipulate perceptions in order to mislead that targeted audience into wrongly thinking that their governments’ scaling back of support for the TPLF is due to racism against Tigrayans when it was actually their tangible support for that group’s divide-and-rule agenda against the historically cosmopolitan civilization-state of Ethiopia that was the epitome of racism.

Tedros is Playing the Race Card to Revive Western Support for Terrorism Against Ethiopia