Tales of the American Empire: The American Colony of Iraq

In 2003, the United States launched an unprovoked invasion of Iraq, destroyed that nation, and transformed it into a colony. Its proud, professional army was disbanded, its government institutions run by the Baath Party were dismembered, and its national oil company was privatized. The United States created a puppet government and army controlled with a massive spy system that identifies and liquidates dissidents called terrorists. The billions of dollars earned each year from Iraqi oil exports is sent to the New York Federal Reserve bank. Americans use these funds to manage Iraqi government operations, to include the pay for its government officials and generals.

Most American troops left in 2011, but several thousand remained hidden away as training units and backed by American combat units in nearby Kuwait. They engage in occasional combat as part of the ongoing “Operation Inherent Resolve.” In 2020, Iraq’s parliament rebelled and voted to expel all American troops from Iraq. American leaders ignore this demand, blame unrest on Iranian interference, and continue to rule and loot Iraq.

The American Colony of Iraq via Tales of the American Empire

SpaceX completes record year with Israeli imaging satellite launch

SpaceX completes record year with Israeli imaging satellite launch

EROS C3 is part of ImageSat’s EROS NG constellation, which includes EROS C1 and C2 as well as a planned future imaging satellite, EROS C4, slated for launch in 2026. EROS NG will also incorporate two synthetic aperture radar satellites that will be owned by an unnamed third party and commercialized by ImageSat.

U.S. Zionists Foxman, Jacobs and Kurtzer sound alarm about Netanyahu’s extremist government

Benjamin Netanyahu is set to announce his new governing coalition that includes openly racist and fascistic lawmakers (according to reports), and American Zionists have been sounding alarms that the next government will break Israel’s supposedly unbreakable relationship with the U.S.

U.S. Zionists Foxman, Jacobs and Kurtzer sound alarm about Netanyahu’s extremist government


What in the World Is Happening in Israel?

I don’t think a day passed on this trip when I did not read about or see TikTok or other videos of a Palestinian shot by Israeli soldiers or Israelis rammed into or attacked with knives by individual Palestinians. This conflict porn is new, it’s pervasive and it is incredibly effective at instilling hate in 15-second bites that keep everyone in a permanent state of fear and rage

The Ideal of Democracy in a Jewish State Is in Jeopardy