Flashback To 2008: Prominent Neo-Conservative Admits U.S. Role In Eastern European Revolutions

Video via The New Populists with Dave Brown.


The End of the End of History

President Barack Obama spent “$5 billion paying Ukrainians to riot and dismantle their democratically elected government.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene Parrots Russian Talking Point on Ukraine

2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine: US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev

Ukrainian President Gives High State Award To Soros

How Fake News Shapes World Order

In 1989, the American public was flooded with iconic images of brave Chinese students standing up to Chinese Communist tanks in Tiananmen Square—students who were then brutally slaughtered by the Chinese military. Or so we were led to believe.

Was There Really a Massacre in Tiananmen Square–or Was It an Illusion Fabricated by U.S. Politicians and Corporate Media to Make Americans Hate China?

H/T: Emil Cosman


Tiananmen Square

Researching Tibet


Zionist Secret Service & White Russian Army

Euromaidan 2014 – Orange Revolution – War in Donbass

Bucha, Kramatorsk & Kremenchuk

WikiLeaks Is Showing Classified Government Cables in an Art Exhibition Meant to Raise Awareness About Threats to Free Speech

WikiLeaks Is Showing Classified Government Cables in an Art Exhibition Meant to Raise Awareness About Threats to Free Speech

Among the works on show will be Ai Weiwei’s photography series Study of Perspective, which sees the Chinese artist-activist raising his middle finger to pieces of architecture representing the institutional authority. One of the works the series, Tiananmen, which has been censored in Hong Kong, will also be on display. Works by the legendary designer Westwood, supported by the Vivienne Foundation, will “have a strong presence” at show, according to a/political, as well as a public program hosted by hip-hop artist and activist Lowkey. A closing music event will be held in collaboration with Shangri-La Glastonbury on April 8.


Tiananmen Square Myth

His [Andrei Molodkin] sculptures and installations often employ materials techniques and practices common in engineering “Molodkin creates a complex mechanical system consisting of air compressors, cast-iron pumps, and plastic tubing” that pump liquids (most commonly blood and/or crude oil) around hollowed perspex replicas of sculptures and architecture, as well as politically loaded words and phrases.


[2008] The Puppet Masters Behind Georgia President Saakashvili

The controversy over the Georgian surprise military attacks on South Ossetia and Abkhazia on 8.8.08 makes a closer look at the controversial Georgian President and his puppet masters important. An examination shows 41 year old Mikhail Saakashvili to be a ruthless and corrupt totalitarian who is tied to not only the US NATO establishment, but also to the Israeli military and intelligence establishment. The famous ‘Rose Revolution of November 2003 that forced the ageing Edouard Shevardnadze from power and swept the then 36 year old US university graduate into power was run and financed by the US State Department, the Soros Foundations, and agencies tied to the Pentagon and US intelligence community.

The Puppet Masters Behind Georgia President Saakashvili


NGOs, “Unions”, & Media Outlets in the Service of Imperialism

U.S. Wars and Hostile Actions (WW2 – 2014)

Steve Bannon And China’s Deep State

Steve Bannon And China’s Deep State

Although a century has passed since Coudenhove-Kalergi’s pan Europa was founded, the same principles are shaping the contours of our current age. Just as vast systemic crises threatening the lives of the majority of souls living on our planet press ominously against our future as they had a century ago, similar techniques of controlled opposition and games within games are used by the same oligarchical class who have orchestrated the current state of affairs. Many good people whose hearts are too large and understanding too shallow have already gotten absorbed into false narratives that frame those mortal enemies of the West as either Russia or China, while ignoring the causal hand of those same oligarchical agencies seeking to reduce all sovereign nations and cultures to rubble under a new Crusade. 

Don’t fall for it.


How a Tycoon Linked to Chinese Intelligence Became a Darling of Trump Republicans

The inscrutable aims of Steve Bannon’s enigmatic Chinese benefactor

Exclusive: The Fugitive Who Tried to Spark a US-China War

More About Guo Wengui

Beijing to Let Some Low-Risk Patients Home Quarantine as Covid Soars + Some Notes

Bloomberg: Beijing to Let Some Low-Risk Patients Home Quarantine as Covid Soars

Global Times: Flexible measures implemented across China to ensure people’s livelihoods amid cold front

China actually started relaxing it’s Zero-COVID polices on November 11th. The mNRA vaccine hasn’t been approved, yet. The West is pushing for China to use mNRA vaccines.


05-09-2022: Dropping zero-COVID policy in China without safeguards risks 1.5m lives – study

China’s refusal to use Western COVID-19 vaccines is making its protest problems even worse

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Pelosi expected to visit Taiwan, Taiwanese and US officials say and Could Get Us All Killed!

Nancy Pelosi Taiwan Visit Could Get Us All Killed


Pelosi expected to visit Taiwan, Taiwanese and US officials say

Officials also believe the Chinese leadership doesn’t completely grasp the political dynamics in the United States*, leading to a misunderstanding over the significance of Pelosi’s potential visit. The officials say China may be confusing Pelosi’s visit with an official administration visit, since she and Biden are both Democrats. Administration officials are concerned that China doesn’t separate Pelosi from Biden much, if at all.

The ‘eccentric, bigoted’ Pelosi does not care about others’ thoughts, but Biden is the key in the 82-year-old’s planned Taiwan trip

Pelosi is in the presidential line of succession, thus the administration takes extra care of her security when she travels overseas, the White House said on Tuesday, according to CNN.

They’re well aware that Pelosi is the second in line of Presidential succession!