The factors drawing Putin and Xi together

A strong sense of empathy with Russia on the part of China is only natural as it too faces predicaments such as being forced to the back foot on the issue of human rights in Xinjiang or being branded as “assertive” when it began reviving in 2015 its historical claims in the South China Sea from where they were abandoned in 1935, in response to the activities of the other littoral states.

It is an open secret that Western intelligence had a big hand in stirring up the unrest in Hong Kong. In fact, the history of US interference in China’s internal affairs to destabilize the Communist government is not new. It goes back to the Central Intelligence Agency’s covert activities in Tibet in the 1950s and early 1960s (which were at least partly responsible for triggering the 1962 China-India conflict).

The factors drawing Putin and Xi together

Newest Adrian Zenz article claims 500k Tibetans in forced labor camps

Newest Adrian Zenz article claims 500k Tibetans in forced labor camps

From Wikipedia:

Adrian Zenz … a senior fellow in China studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation is a non-profit anti-communist organization in the United States, authorized by a unanimous Act of Congress in 1993 for the purpose of “educating Americans about the ideology, history and legacy of communism”


Adrian Zenz, Jamestown Foundation and how to manipulate the ‘free’ press

‘Forced labor’ stories on China brought to you by US gov, NATO, arms industry to drive Cold War PR blitz

China detaining millions of Uyghurs? Serious problems with claims by US-backed NGO and far-right researcher ‘led by God’ against Beijing