How Twisted Sister Outclassed Congress

Rock & roll was under attack during the mid-’80s. As the music got more theatrical and provocative and MTV gave it a national platform, America’s youth screamed for more. It was obvious that pop music was experiencing a revolution it hadn’t seen since Elvis swiveled his hips on The Ed Sullivan Show. Enter Dee Snider and his band, Twisted Sister.

How Twisted Sister Outclassed Congress


1985 PMRC/Senate Hearings: Then and Now

YouTube: Dee Snider’s PMRC Senate Hearing Speech (Full)

YouTube: 1985- John Denver – Congressional PMRC Hearing Full Testimony

YouTube: Frank Zappa at PMRC Senate Hearing on Rock Lyrics

How the US Military Rewrote War of the Worlds

Steven Spielberg’s 2005 alien invasion adventure War of the Worlds helped kick off the recent string of military-supported extraterrestrial war films. While the core story of one man trying to make his way through a chaotic world while keeping his family alive has nothing to do with the US Army, Air Force or the Marine Corps, all three military branches provided hardware in support of the battle sequences, and had some choice words to say about the script.

How the US Military Rewrote War of the Worlds

How Pentagon Turned ‘Top Gun’ Sequel Into Recruitment And PR Vehicle

Files on “Top Gun: Maverick” detail the influence the Pentagon had over the sequel to Top Gun, how that affected the storyline and character arcs, and which “key talking points” became part of the script.

How Pentagon Turned ‘Top Gun’ Sequel Into Recruitment And PR Vehicle


Op-Ed: Why does the Pentagon give a helping hand to films like ‘Top Gun’?

Documents on Top Gun: Maverick

Top Gun for hire: why Hollywood is the US military’s best wingman

Talk about grooming children (re: Transformers and Marvel)! 🙄