Second US Citizen Headed to German Prison for Anti-Nuclear Weapons Actions

While dread of nuclear war between Russia and NATO states over Ukraine have reached new heights, especially in Europe, a second U.S. citizen has been ordered to serve prison time in Germany for protest actions demanding that US nuclear bombs stationed at Germany’s Büchel NATO base, southeast of Cologne, be withdrawn.

Second US Citizen Headed to German Prison for Anti-Nuclear Weapons Actions

Say What? The U.S. Is about to PUNISH Australia!

The US has warned Australia against joining a landmark treaty banning nuclear weapons, saying the agreement could hamper defense arrangements between the US and its allies.

The US embassy in Canberra says treaty “would not allow for US extended deterrence relationships.”

Is the US threatening Australia if it does not toe the line???

US warns Australia against joining treaty banning nuclear weapons

Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Say What? The U.S. Is about to PUNISH Australia! via Geopolitical Trends


‘So Irresponsible’: US Condemned for Warning Australia Against Joining Anti-Nuclear Treaty