West Caught Meddling in Bosnia Election

Oct 12, 2022 – Who is helping Bosnia recount the votes of their Presidential election? It turns out that the UK and NATO are helping with this recount even though the law in Bosnia does not allow this. So why do some countries get a vote recount and others do not? Who has something to gain here? We speak to Bosnian independent journalist Alexsandar Pavic to break this down.

West caught MEDDLING in Bosnia election, recount in doubt | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris via Redacted


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Russia Responds to Ukraine’s Attack on Crimean Bridge etc.

Russia Responds to Ukraine’s Attack on Crimean Bridge etc.

A number of other “terrorist attacks” have targeted Russia’s energy infrastructure, including an attempt to blast one of the sections of the TurkStream gas pipeline which runs from Russia to Türkiye, he said.


AEI is a Neocon think tank, connected to PNAC.

AEI: Biden Should Kill TurkStream to Promote Transatlantic Energy Security

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Key Russian Black Sea gas pipeline under threat – US state media

Key Russian Black Sea gas pipeline under threat – US state media

If the TurkStream natural gas pipeline is damaged, its operator won’t be able to mount repairs because the Dutch government has revoked a key license due to EU sanctions against Russia, US state-run RFE/RL alleged on Thursday.

The outlet claimed to have obtained a letter from Oleg Aksyutin, CEO of South Stream Transport BV, informing the company’s managers to stop all work and cancel contracts with Western suppliers. The letter is reportedly dated September 14, and says that the Netherlands – where the company is registered – had canceled its operating license, effective September 17.

South Stream Transport operates TurkStream, a pipeline finalized in 2020, which runs under the Black Sea to Türkiye and then on to Serbia and Hungary. It has an annual capacity of 33 billion cubic meters of gas. According to Reuters, SouthStream confirmed on Thursday that the license has been revoked, but said it had requested a resumption and “will continue gas transportation.”

While there are no reports about interruptions in the TurkStream supply, RFE/RL noted that much of the pipeline is at the depth of three kilometers, and needs to be constantly monitored for damage due to “seismic activity.”

Commenting on the reported sabotage on Tuesday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said it would be “in no one’s interest,” but then added that the situation represents “a very significant opportunity” for the EU to “finally end” its dependence on Russian gas and “accelerate the transition to renewables.”*

TurkStream is the last remaining pipeline for Russian natural gas to reach the EU. The Yamal pipeline through Poland was shut off in May, due to Russian counter-sanctions against Warsaw, while Gazprom halted deliveries through Ukraine on September 27.


Secretary Antony J. Blinken And Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly At a Joint Press Availability*

My own sense – and I mentioned this the other day – is, look, there’s a lot of hard work to do to make sure that countries and partners get through the winter. Europe itself has taken very significant steps to both decrease demand but also look at ways to pursue the transition to renewables at the same time. And ultimately this is also a tremendous opportunity. It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs. That’s very significant and that offers tremendous strategic opportunity for the years to come, but meanwhile, we’re determined to do everything we possibly can to make sure that the consequences of all of this are not borne by citizens in our countries or, for that matter, around the world.

TurkStream Pipeline Has License Revoked As New Sanctions Come Into Effect

False flag in…3…2…1?! 🤷🏼‍♀️

“Turkey is a threat to Syria” But the US and Israel aren’t?

Read the Jerusalem post oped below keeping in mind that that Israel has long been allied with the PKK kurds. Keeping in mind that ‘greater kurdistan’ and ‘greater Israel’ are the pillars/instruments of extended Israeli/ US powers in the middle east and central asia challenging the Silk Road/Belt and Road initiative. This topic was written about for many years at my censored by big tech (Google) prior site. At some point in time I’ll drag over some additional pertinent reports, besides the two that are included below the oped!

Jerusalem Post oped;

“Turkey is a threat to Syria” But the US and Israel aren’t?


“Barkey-ing” the Turkish Referendum

Russia and Turkey Mend Fences. It’s Either a Big Deal or It’s Much Ado about Nothing?