Donald Trump’s Mein Kampf & Lin Wood and Michael Flynn Call For Military Coup

Donald Trump’s Mein Kampf

The Democrats fear not Trump’s threats of violence and dictatorship, but the mass popular revolt that would be touched off if Trump actually attempts to carry out his long-threatened election coup. The Democrats know very well that America is a social powder keg, deeply divided between the fabulously wealthy financial aristocracy, which both Democrats and Republicans serve, and the vast majority of the population, struggling to survive.


Lawyers Condemn Michael Flynn and Lin Wood’s ‘Breathtakingly Morally Treasonous’ Call for Trump to Declare Martial Law and Hold New Election

More evidence coronavirus had spread to the West BEFORE China came clean: LA doctors find evidence it may have been circulating in US MONTHS earlier than first reported case

More evidence coronavirus had spread to the West BEFORE China came clean: LA doctors find evidence it may have been circulating in US MONTHS earlier than first reported case

The scientists say that, between December and February, there may have been as many as 1,000 coronavirus patients in Los Angeles.

The finding is published after only yesterday a British family came forward with a coroner’s report saying that their relative, 84-year-old Peter Attwood, died of coronavirus after catching it in December.

Mr Attwood’s death came two months before the first death was officially recorded in Britain and has been officially attributed to the disease, despite China not announcing its existence until after the grandfather had already caught it.