The Maidan Massacre, Censorship & Ukraine: Interview with Ivan Katchanovski

Genocide Joe and Porky Poroshenko.

By Natylie Baldwin, Consortium News, 10/20/23

Canadian-Ukrainian professor Ivan Katchanovski’s investigation of the Maidan massacre in Kiev in February 2014 found an organized mass killing of both protesters and the police, with the goal of delegitimizing the Yanukovych government and its forces and seizing power in Ukraine, as he wrote for Consortium News in an in-depth article in 2019. (On Wednesday three policemenwere sentenced for the massacre, one was acquitted and one was released for time served. The official investigation ignored Katchanovski’s academic research.)

The Maidan Massacre, Censorship & Ukraine: My Interview with Ivan Katchanovski

Who is Chrystia Freeland, Washington’s “prime candidate” for NATO Secretary-General?

The New York Times recently reported that Washington is promoting Canada’s deputy prime minister, Chrystia Freeland, as its “prime candidate” to succeed Jens Stoltenberg as NATO secretary-general when the Norwegian’s term expires in September 2023.

Who is Chrystia Freeland, Washington’s “prime candidate” for NATO Secretary-General?


Canadian Foreign Minister Scapegoats Russian Hackers for Exposing Nazi Grandfather

Seems appropriate to me, considering that there have been Nazis in the NATO leadership, previously.

Timeline: Euromaidan, the original “Ukraine Crisis”

Genuine grassroots revolution or NATO backed coup? Here are the facts to help you decide.

Timeline: Euromaidan, the original “Ukraine Crisis”


George Soros admits to funding the Ukraine crisis [2014]

Canada’s fury at Russia’s recognition of the DPR & LPR shows its continuing subservience to US Empire (Documents Canada’s role in the Euromaidan and the Orange Revolution)

NATO’s relationship with Ukraine, actually started in 1991 when they signed joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. George Soros invested in the 2004 Orange Revolution and the Euromaidan. Not to mention, Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with US government.