If US can clear way for ‘cease-fire in Gaza’, Red Sea problem would be solved

If US can clear way for humanitarian aid to Gaza, ‘joint patrol would not be necessary’

If US can clear way for ‘cease-fire in Gaza’, Red Sea problem would be solved


The cost of US fighting Houthis in the Red Sea just went up

How Netanyahu falsifies the news

We in the West think we’re well informed about what’s happening in Gaza. We are not. The images we see are selected. The comments we hear do not allow us to understand them. They deliberately mislead us. Any dissenting opinion is censored.

How Netanyahu falsifies the news

In an Expected Move, Russia Decides to Open Jerusalem Embassy Branch

Russia plans to establish a branch of its Israeli embassy in Jerusalem, the Russian Foreign Ministry revealed on Friday. The new outpost, which an official statement described as a “branch office of the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Israel,” cements Moscow’s claim to the land on which it is situated.

In an Expected Move, Russia Decides to Open Jerusalem Embassy Branch

The Shocking Truth About U.S. and Canada’s Coming Invasion of Haiti

President Biden is flying to Canada to meet with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to discuss the coming invasion of Haiti. In this video, we explore the shocking truth about the involvement of the United States and Canada in destabilizing Haiti. With recent developments and allegations of interference from the Biden administration, it’s important to understand the historical and current context of U.S. and Canadian involvement in Haiti. From political meddling to economic exploitation, we delve into the complex web of factors that have contributed to the current state of affairs.

The Shocking Truth About U.S. and Canada’s Coming Invasion of Haiti – What You Need to Know! via Redacted


U.S. pushing Canada to lead international force to Haiti

UN calls for foreign intervention in Haiti as violence surges

Lula’s Foreign Minister Strongly Implied That Putin Will Be Arrested If He Comes To Brazil

Lula is truly a liberal-globalist who voluntarily surrendered his country’s objective national interests to the West out of ideological solidarity. The same man who legendarily co-founded BRICS almost a decade and a half ago has now backstabbed one of this same multipolar group’s fellow founding fathers upon ordering his Foreign Minister to very strongly imply that his counterpart will be arrested if he visits Brazil.

Lula’s Foreign Minister Strongly Implied That Putin Will Be Arrested If He Comes To Brazil

Why Is Victoria Nuland Coming to Sri Lanka, Second Time in a Year?

She maybe the highest ranking American official but most Americans do not even know her name. However, she is visiting Sri Lanka twice in one year & that should mean something. Why is she visiting Sri Lanka is however more important. She first visited Sri Lanka days before riots started resulted in the resignation of the former President. Naturally, all eyes are fixed on what is likely to emerge after her forthcoming visit. Over the years, there is no doubt the US has created local “agents” covering all spectrums of society.

Why Is Victoria Nuland Coming to Sri Lanka, Second Time in a Year?



Sri Lanka: US Backed Colour Revolution in Colombo

Debt Traps & Terrorism: The Roots of Sri Lanka’s Crisis

ADL’s penetration of the FBI & negative consequences for human rights activism

The ADL has been trying to liaise with the FBI by offering ADL investigators as informants, offering to exchange files to “avoid duplication of investigation” and “train” FBI and law enforcement personnel since the 1940s.

What have been the negative consequences for human rights activists?

IRmep presents findings from years of Freedom of Information Act filings at a number of relevant Washington, DC locations.

ADL files FBI “Civil Rights Threat” conflating white nationalists with pro-Palestinian charities

FOIA documents: Israel Lobby Archive

ADL’s penetration of the FBI & negative consequences for human rights activism

Reciprocity: Zelensky Demanded Weapons from Netanyahu for Pro-Israel UN Vote

Reciprocity: Zelensky Demanded Weapons from Netanyahu for Pro-Israel UN Vote

In the previous anti-Israel UN vote (and most other UN votes), Ukraine voted against Israel. That did not go over well in Israel. Israel has also been a world leader in supplying Ukraine with humanitarian aid.

According to a report by Barak Ravid, Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Friday evening asking Ukraine to vote against the UN resolution. Zelenskyy demanded reciprocity and a change in Israeli policy, asking Israel to supply defensive weapons to Ukraine, in particular, against Russian ballistic missiles and the Iranian suicide drones that Russia has been using to attack Ukraine.


PA Celebrating UN Resolution Asking ICC to Investigate Israel’s ‘Occupation’

The Foreign Ministry and Israel’s embassies lobbied some 100 countries. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, too, spoke with the leaders of several countries and managed to convince at least five leaders not to vote in favor of the decision – the leaders of Croatia, Togo, Greece, Romania, and Kenya. Former Prime Minister Yair Lapid also took part in the efforts, sending letters to more than 60 world leaders ahead of the vote.

Israel, the US, and 24 other members––including the UK and Germany––voted against the resolution, while France was among the 53 nations that abstained. The US entered Israel’s nay vote since the resolution was passed on Shabbat, a move that UN Envoy Gilad Erdan called “shameful.”