US Destroyer can’t sail as heroic Capt. refuses Vaccine—So he’s Antivax, Anti-War and Anti Climate-Crime! Voted here ‘Common Senser’ of the Year.

GREAT NEWS.. One less destroyer in the Putrid Pentagon’s Evil Empire


Destroyer can’t deploy because CO won’t get COVID vaccine, Navy says

US Destroyer can’t sail as heroic Capt. refuses Vaccine- So he’s Antivax, Anti-War and Anti Climate-Crime! Voted here ‘Common Senser’ of the Year.

The Details of OSHA’s Vaccination Rule for Private Employees Suggest Several Ways It Could Be Vulnerable to Legal Challenges

The Details of OSHA’s Vaccination Rule for Private Employees Suggest Several Ways It Could Be Vulnerable to Legal Challenges

Employers who adopt a “mandatory vaccination policy” can comply with the ETS even if some employees are not actually vaccinated. OSHA allows the following exceptions: “those for whom a vaccine is medically contraindicated, those for whom medical necessity requires a delay in vaccination, or those legally entitled to a reasonable accommodation under federal civil rights laws because they have a disability or sincerely held religious beliefs, practices, or observances that conflict with the vaccination requirement.” It seems those unvaccinated employees don’t have to wear masks or be tested each week, since those safeguards apply only to businesses that require employees to choose between vaccination and testing plus masking.

If so, a legal challenge could argue, OSHA is implicitly conceding that testing and masking of unvaccinated employees is not truly “necessary.” In the example OSHA offers, 5 percent of a company’s employees “are entitled to reasonable accommodation.” In terms of COVID-19 risk, that situation is indistinguishable from a workplace where 5 percent of employees simply choose not to be vaccinated.

The vaccination exceptions allowed by OSHA do not include people who are resistant to COVID-19 because they were previously infected. While there is considerable debate about how the protection offered by naturally acquired immunity compares to the protection offered by vaccination, the lack of an exception for people who have recovered from COVID-19 could be another basis for questioning the necessity of OSHA’s requirements.


EXPLAINER-The legal challenges awaiting Biden’s vaccine mandate

CNN: Biden Admin Considering Using Private Firms To Conduct Warrantless Surveillance Of U.S. Citizens

President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly considering working with private firms to monitor “extremist chatter by Americans online” because the federal government is legally limited to what they can do without a warrant.

Biden Admin Considering Using Private Firms To Conduct Warrantless Surveillance Of U.S. Citizens

H/T: The Most Revolutionary Act.


Coalition calls on Biden to form disinformation task force

Amash’s Successor Peter Meijer: Trump’s Deceptions Are ‘Rankly Unfit’

Amash’s Successor Peter Meijer: Trump’s Deceptions Are ‘Rankly Unfit’

I was sitting in my office watching the speech that he was giving to the crowd, encouraging them to come to the Capitol, where he continued to talk about how this was a landslide election and that it was stolen from him. He believed that the outcome on November 3 could be reversed by Congress. And I talked to a number of folks who believed that. And they believed that because they were being told that, right? They were being lied to. They were being misled. Some of my colleagues in Congress, they share responsibility for that. Many of them were fundraising off of this Stop the Steal grift. I don’t understand how you can look in the mirror and go to sleep at night without that weighing on your conscience, I fundamentally do not. I’m just at a loss for words about how some of them have acted in ways that are just knowingly, provably false. And they know they’re lying too.