Western Media’s Double Standards Exposed Amidst Violence Against Eritrean Communities in The West

Late last week, Eritrea Profile published “Words Matter: Double Standards in Mainstream Media,” a well-written article by Afabet Gebretinsae that decries media coverage of the recent spate of crime and terror perpetrated against peaceful Eritrean festivals in cities across the West. Not long after, The Grayzone, an independent news website producing original investigative journalism, released the article, “Western media glorifies TPLF mob violence against Eritrean festivals,” an enlightening commentary that similarly raised critical questions about how mainstream media in the West have reported recent events.

Western Media’s Double Standards Exposed Amidst Violence Against Eritrean Communities in The West


Western media glorifies TPLF mob violence against Eritrean festivals

Eritrean Flag during the years of the Federation of Ethiopia and Eritrea

Sudan’s warring sides send envoys for talks in Saudi Arabia

ASWAN, Egypt (AP) — Sudan’s two warring generals sent their envoys on Friday to Saudi Arabia for talks aimed at firming up a shaky cease-fire after three weeks of fierce fighting that has killed hundreds and pushed the African country to the brink of collapse, three Sudanese officials said.

Sudan’s warring sides send envoys for talks in Saudi Arabia


Role of US troops in Sudan to shift as Biden administration sees no quick end to fighting

H/T: Emil Cosman

Brazilian Anarchist expert reveals Social War behind key Lula / Bolsonaro Vote

Brazilian Anarchist expert reveals Social War behind key Lula / Bolsonaro Vote

Despite the glowing picture that progressives and social democrats paint of Lula, it was under the PT (Worker’s Party) that Brazil’s government made its turn toward austerity. Given that this will likely be a second term in office for him, how effective do you think left organizations and movements will be at wringing concessions from a Lula-led PT government?