Neo-Nazi Blood Tribe marches in downtown Madison; leaders respond

A neo-Nazi group protested in downtown Madison Saturday afternoon from the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus to the state capitol building, carrying flags with swastikas and shouting antisemitic rhetoric.

Neo-Nazi group marches in downtown Madison; leaders respond


Who are “Blood Tribe” and what were they doing in Madison?

Armed Neo-Nazis With Swastika Flags Disrupt Wisconsin Pride Event

VICE News Leaves Out Connections to Ukraine in Their Story on American Neo-Nazis

On a recent overcast afternoon in Orlando, Florida, 10 neo-Nazis gathered outside the entrance to Disney World.

As 2024 Looms, Neo-Nazis Are Returning to the Streets (archived)

What they’re leaving out:

Christopher Pohlhaus (Blood Tribe), Goyim Defense League: So-called Nazis resurface in Orlando, voice support for Biden over Trump: ‘He sends rockets to Ukraine’

Jon Minadeo II AKA Handsome Truth (Goyim Defense League): Florida GOP Declares War On The First Amendment to ‘Combat Anti-Semitism’

Christopher Pohlhaus (Blood Tribe): American Neo-Nazi Training Forces in Maine to Fight for Ukraine

Robert Rundo (Rise Above Movement), Christopher Pohlhaus (Blood Tribe), Denis Kapustin (Russian Volunteer Corps): Russian Militia Linked to American Neo-Nazis, Anti-Trans Figures

Robert Rundo (Rise Above Movement): “Our Mission is to Lead the White Races of the World in a Final Crusade…Against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]”

Azov + Myrotvorets in MSM

American Neo-Nazi Training Forces in Maine to Fight for Ukraine

Cristopher Pohlhaus, a former Marine and prominent Neo-Nazi – has purchased land in Maine to train soldiers to fight for Ukraine. He sees the war against Russia as a unique chance to fight alongside the Azov Battalion and defend a nearly “all-white nation.”

American Neo-Nazi Training Forces in Maine to Fight for Ukraine


Russian Militia Linked to American Neo-Nazis, Anti-Trans Figures

The leader of the anti-Putin Russian Volunteer Corps is publicly connected to Robert Rundo and Christopher Pohlhaus.

Jordan issues subpoena to FBI director for documents over withdrawn memo on Catholic Churches

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan issued a subpoena to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Monday for documents as House Republicans investigate the circumstances surrounding a since-withdrawn memo from the bureau’s Richmond field office that focused on extremism in the Catholic Church.

Jordan issues subpoena to FBI director for documents over withdrawn memo on Catholic churches

H/T: Kim Iversen


FBI Investigations Of Radical Catholic Traditionalists Can Help The Church

What do the New York Times, Kiev Independent, Euromaidan Press, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and TikTok All Have in Common?

By John Parker – August 22, 2022

They are all funded by or staffed by Western and U.S. intelligence members pushing the U.S. narrative about the war in Ukraine. This is why organized a fact-finding mission to Ukraine and Russia to report on the suppressed information that challenges the narrative of NATO and its member states, led by the U.S.

This is the second part of my report. (See Part 1: Fact-finding trip to Donbas: A front-line shelter in Rubizhne)

What do the New York Times, Kiev Independent, Euromaidan Press, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and TikTok All Have in Common?

West’s Support for Extremism “Blows Back” in New York Shooting

May 15, 2022 – The New Atlas

The tragic mass shooting in Buffalo New York was carried out by an extremist with an ideology stemming from modern-day NAZlSM practices most openly in Ukraine. Just as Western support for extremists in Syria blew back in the form of global terrorism, its support for NAZlS in Ukraine is emboldening and encouraging their toxic ideology worldwide.

YouTube: West’s Support for Extremism “Blows Back” in New York Shooting



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