Evo Morales leads a road block in Bolivia against his disqualification as a presidential candidate

Highlights: Supporters of Evo Morales have cut off the routes in his bastion, the coca-growing area of ​​Chapare, for an indefinite period of time. They demand that the judges of the high courts, including those of the TCP who made it impossible for Morales to run again, resign from their positions. President Luis Arce said that he has “reasons to be alert and on the alert.” The demand of those mobilized echoes an international concern. The popular election of magistrates is a Bolivian innovation, introduced by the 2009 Constitution.

Evo Morales leads a road block in Bolivia against his disqualification as a presidential candidate

OIC, resistance groups condemn Israeli forces’ strip-search of Palestinian women as UN urges investigation

The United Nations has called for an investigation into the forced stripping of five Palestinian women by Israeli soldiers during a raid on their home in the southern West Bank city of al-Khalil as the move also draws condemnation from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

OIC, resistance groups condemn Israeli forces’ strip-search of Palestinian women as UN urges investigation


‘Most victims don’t speak up’: Israeli soldiers ‘regularly’ strip-search Palestinian women

Knives Are Out Again for Those Advocating For Peace on the Korean Peninsula

The knives are out again for those advocating for peace on the Korean Peninsula. Almost eight years to the day, I wrote “The Knives are Out For Those Who Challenge Militarization of the Korean Peninsula,” about Washington Beltway pundits and those on the payroll of organizations and corporations that make money out of the U.S. bureaucracy’s need for an enemy. These groups had focused their outrage and diatribes at Women Cross DMZ for organizing the 2015 trip to North and South Korea and daring to challenge the status quo of US policy toward North Korea.

Knives Are Out Again for Those Advocating For Peace on the Korean Peninsula

Biden Says Assad Must Go

While on the campaign trail, President Joe Biden spoke with some “Syrian American activists” who favor increased sanctions on the country as well as regime change in Damascus, during a private fundraiser in Maryland last month. According to neoconservative columnist Josh Rogin – one of Bill Kristol’s protégés – Biden told these regime change advocates that, among other things, Assad must go. Rogin says these activists “took advantage of their audience with Biden… to implore him to do more to oppose” Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Biden Says Assad Must Go


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