President Maduro’s speech welcoming the freed Alex Saab to Venezuela

December 20, 2023

Good afternoon to all Venezuela, to the National Radio and Television network, to all national and international media and those through social networks. I want to welcome this brave, patriotic man who resisted 1280 days, 40 months, in the most adverse, most painful conditions of kidnapping, filthy prisons, physical torture, psychological torture, threats, lies. And after 1280 days of kidnapping, he has triumphed. The truth has triumphed, justice has triumphed – what had to happen. Welcome, Alex Saab Moran. From your days of pain, of persecution against you, against your family. This I told Alex when I just gave him this hug. On this beautiful afternoon, with this beautiful sun in Caracas, on this happy Christmas of our people waiting for the year 2024. I knew that this day had to come and this day came. Blessed day, December 20, unforgettable forever in the year 2023. We have to talk about so many things. You have faced the toughest tests that a brave man with Palestinian blood knows how to endure.

President Maduro’s speech welcoming the freed Alex Saab to Venezuela


Essequibo: Guyana may “ask UN member states to take military action to force Venezuela to comply with the ICJ order”

Guyana to take Venezuela to UN Security Council after Maduro’s announcements about Essequibo; GDF contacts US Department of Defence

Dr Ali added that there was “nothing to fear” as Guyana’s international partners and international community “are ready to support us.” He said the Guyana Defence Force was “on full alert” and has contacted the Florida-based United States Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), one of the 11 unified combatant commands in the US Department of Defense. “The Guyana Defence Force is on full alert and has engaged its military counterparts including the US Southern Command,” he said, without elaborating. Dr Ali added that the US, United Kingdom, Brazil and France as well as the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guitteres have been contacted. “By defying the court. Venezuela has rejected international law, the rule of law generally fundamental justice and morality and the preservation of international peace and security. They have literally declared themselves an outlaw nation,” he said.

Attorney General Anil Nandlall earlier Tuesday said the UN Security Council could be asked to approve economic sanctions on Venezuela or ask UN member states to take military action to force Venezuela to comply with the ICJ order that Venezuela must not take any action which would modify the situation that currently prevails in the territory in dispute, whereby Guyana administers and exercises control over Essequibo.


Notes: Trinidad and Tobago’s Foreign Minister, Amery Browne, has said that it’s a violation of the Caribbean Community’s policy for them to mediate a solution. Guyana was a founding member of CARICOM. Their aim was “to use [CARICOM] as leverage against Venezuela” and to prohibit them “from pursuing its Essequibo territorial claim”. [source]

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Stephen Sefton & Camila Escalante on Boric’s new progressive bloc

Progressive political figures with an orientation more favorable to Washington are forming a new alliance of South American parties and are deliberately excluding the forces that are leading the continent’s liberation processes. Don DeBar interviewed Nicaraguan writer Stephen Sefton and Latin America correspondent Camila Escalante on KPFK Pacifica Radio. Below is a transcription of last week’s segment.

Stephen Sefton & Camila Escalante on Boric’s new progressive bloc

Venezuela: Opposition Parties Oust Guaidó as ‘Interim President’

Venezuela: Opposition Parties Oust Guaidó as ‘Interim President’

The parallel AN will appoint a five-person “Administration and Asset Protection Council” to manage resources. The “interim government” had recurring budgets assigned by the US Treasury Department, drawing funds from frozen accounts belonging to the Venezuelan state. Last week, the US Senate approved US $50 million for “democracy promotion” programs in Venezuela for 2023.

At the time of writing, the US has yet to comment on the reconfiguration of the opposition structures. However, the proposal was reportedly run by US officials during meetings with opposition representatives in Washington.

In the run-up to Thursday’s vote, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian Nichols stated in an interview that the Biden administration would follow whatever the anti-government majority decided. An anonymous spokesperson from the US National Security Council likewise told Reuters that the White House would continue recognizing the “interim government” “regardless of the form it takes.”

Next up: Leopoldo López or Henrique Capriles?!


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USAID’s New Stage of Pressure and Interference against Venezuela + PSUV Approval Rating Almost Triples That of All Opposition Parties Combined in Venezuela

USAID’s New Stage of Pressure and Interference against Venezuela


Latest Poll: PSUV Approval Rating Almost Triples That of All Opposition Parties Combined in Venezuela

Venezuelan Foreign Minister: Washington Intends to Silence Venezuela’s Fight Against Drug Trafficking (+Statement)