Colombian victims win historic verdict over Chiquita: Jury finds banana company liable for financing death squads.

After 17 years of litigation, a monumental win for victims of paramilitary violence in Colombia before a court in the United States.

Colombian victims win historic verdict over Chiquita: Jury finds banana company liable for financing death squads.


Chiquita Found Liable for Colombia Paramilitary Killings

National Security Archive Schedule of Chiquita’s Paramilitary Payments Evidence at Trial

Jury Awards Banana Company Victims $38.3 Million in Landmark Human Rights Case

Chiquita bananas, CIA funded coups, and Colombian hit squads.

First guilty plea in assassination of Haiti’s president. Drug dealer admits backing plot

A convicted Haitian drug trafficker pleaded guilty Friday to providing money to pay for weapons, food and lodging for Colombian commandos and others suspected of executing the fatal shooting of Haiti’s president, marking the first guilty plea in the murder conspiracy case in Miami federal court.

First guilty plea in assassination of Haiti’s president. Drug dealer admits backing plot


Haiti – FLASH : Assassination of the President, Rodolphe Jaar pleads guilty

Colombian Ex-Soldiers Implicated in Haiti Assassination Received U.S. Military Training