Nixon Answers: Is There Pressure From Israel?

Nixon Answers: Is There Pressure From Israel?

Richard Nixon discusses whether there is pressure from the Israel when it comes to foreign affairs in the Middle East.

From the oral history collections of the University of Georgia.

The Richard Nixon Foundation applies the legacy and vision of President Richard Nixon, America’s relentless grand strategist, to defining issues facing our nation and the world.

The Richard Nixon Foundation in association with the National Archives and Records Administration provides financial support to collect, preserve, and make available to the public and for scholars the documents, recordings, and other materials that illuminate the life and times, and the historic legacy of Richard Nixon.

Nixon Answers: Is There Pressure From Israel?

All aboard the gravy train: an independent audit of US funding for Ukraine

In the absence of official scrutiny of Washington’s spending spree on Ukraine, The Grayzone conducted an independent audit of US funding for the country. We discovered a series of wasteful, highly unusual expenditures the Biden administration has yet to explain.

All aboard the gravy train: an independent audit of US funding for Ukraine

Video via Jason Hunt (Threats to international peace and security – Security Council, 9364th meeting)

Katie Halper: I Was Canceled for Criticizing Israel

On Monday, September 26, I delivered a video monologue as part of my job as a rotating co-host for The Hill TV’s political commentary show, Rising. I’d been a weekly guest on the show for three years, and this was my first “Radar”—an op-ed delivered straight to the camera. It was also my last. On September 28, I was fired.

I Was Canceled for Criticizing Israel


Hill TV Segment on Rashida Tlaib and Israel Is Censored

A New Study Suggests That Black Southerners’ Access to Firearms Reduced Lynchings

In her 1892 pamphlet Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases, the journalist Ida B. Wells argued that firearms were an essential tool in preventing the deadly white supremacist violence that she chronicled. “Of the many inhuman outrages of this present year, the only case where the proposed lynching did not occur, was where the men armed themselves in Jacksonville, Fla., and Paducah, Ky, and prevented it,” she wrote. “The only times an Afro-American who was assaulted got away has been when he had a gun and used it in self-defense.”

A New Study Suggests That Black Southerners’ Access to Firearms Reduced Lynchings