Raising Social Security’s retirement age would slam low-wage workers yet again

A proposal by Sens. Angus King (I-ME) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) to raise the Social Security retirement age to 70 would be a massive benefit cut, particularly affecting low-wage workers. If Congress enacts it, millions more Social Security taxpayers would not live long enough to collect a cent in retirement benefits.

Raising Social Security’s retirement age would slam low-wage workers yet again


Social Security Solvency: Raised Retirement Age More Likely as Congress Fails to Compromise

The tedious China scare in Latin America

In a January article for Foreign Affairs, former Peruvian presidential candidate Julio Armando Guzmán depicts increased Chinese investment in Latin America as an existential threat to the region’s democracies.

The tedious China scare in Latin America



NED/CIA’s candidate lost the 2021 Peruvian general election and is calling for regime change in Peru, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and El Salvador!? 🧐💭

Ep. 5819 – Jeffrey Kaye on US Bio-weapons and the CIA’s Attempts to Hide Them – 12/16/22

Scott talks with Jeffrey Kaye about an article he recently published on the CIA’s effort to suppress reports about the use of bio-weapons by U.S. forces fighting in Korea. The agency went to great lengths to dismiss those rumors and claims as communist propaganda and the results of brainwashing. Then in 2010, the agency declassified documents that contained evidence of U.S. bio-weapons use in the Korean War. Kaye and Scott discuss the relevant history and why it’s important today.

Check out the interview page here.

The Scott Horton Show


Secret Plan Revealed: CIA Told to “Destroy” Those Supporting Communist Germ Warfare “Myth”

“False” Confessions Cover-up: U.S. Told Airmen Who Admitted Germ War in Korea They Could Reveal Information If Captured

Who Really Started the Korean War?

US Vaccine Imperialism Backfires

By Herman Tiu Laurel (Part 1: mRNA’s yet Unchartered Waters)

It took me some time to ascribe as “imperialism” the US behavior on its vaccine promotion efforts, but after reviewing the course of events since the start of the Covid-19 crisis I found this as an inescapable fact – the US has tried to impose on the world its new vaccine development, its parameters for defining “efficacy” and its pernicious propaganda efforts at putting down other countries’ vaccine projects.

US Vaccine Imperialism Backfires