Why Is Arab Media Silent About the Uyghur Separatists Supporting “Israel”?

We no longer hear much about the Uyghur issue, which Arab and international media outlets often promoted as a narrative to tarnish the reputation of the Chinese government and pressure it. This issue has always been framed through the lens of “generality” implying that “China is persecuting Muslims within its borders,” which is certainly not true, since the Uyghurs are not the only Muslim ethnic group in China; there are ten Muslim ethnicities in China.

Why Is Arab Media Silent About the Uyghur Separatists Supporting “Israel”?

Lies about China’s Uyghur Oppression

Feb 29, 2024 – Americans see news reports about the plight of Uyghurs. They are told these Muslims living in the western China province of Xinjiang are abused by the ruling Han Chinese and over a million are imprisoned in camps where they are forced to perform slave labor. As a result, China must be constantly denounced for this abuse and sanctions imposed on any Chinese business exploiting this slave labor. This is false and based on lies promoted by the American CIA.

Note: We are told to pronounce Uyghur as “WEE-gur” even though it has no W. In the province of Xinjiang and in their language it is pronounced “OO-gur” and should be in English since it starts with a U! So I adopted Dr. de Zayas’ correct pronunciation to reject whoever decided we should call them something weird in English.

Lies about China’s Uyghur Oppression



Vietnam overtakes China as the Top Exporter to the US of Products made with Forced Uyghur Labor

Vietnam overtakes China as the Top Exporter to the US of Products made with Forced Uyghur Labor

Attention, Vietnam: According to the Voice of America (VOA), a News Organization that is owned by the United States (US) Government, you are now the top Exporter to the US of Products made using forced Uyghur Labor.

This is again a Case of the US interfering with the Affairs of another Country, something that China almost never does. And this is why Relations between Vietnam and the US will never be really that comfortable since the US will always set Conditions when dealing with them.

For the Record, China has consistently denied that they are exploiting the Uyghurs, this is just another of the US’ Propaganda to demonize China as China has been slowly but surely overtaking them as the main Superpower in the World.

China dealing with terrorism in line with law + More

URUMQI (China): China has been dealing with the issue of terrorism in the autonomous region of Xinjiang in accordance with law and the untoward incidents here have witnessed a decline since 2016.

China dealing with terrorism in line with law


[01-24] World community urged to take ‘decisive’ action to stop Chinese genocide against Uyghurs

Washington: As China’s human rights record came up for Universal Period Review (UPR) at the UN, the Government-in-Exile of East Turkistan, also known as Xinjiang Province in China, has said the international community must move beyond the diplomatic means and urgently take “decisive” and “tangible” actions to stop genocide against Uyghur Muslims.

[01-24] The Islamic State’s South Asian Branches are Spearheading an Anti-China Campaign

[11-23] “All Static and Noise” anti-China propaganda film about Uyghurs


Max Blumenthal To State Department: Why Does U.S. Accuse China And Russia Of Genocide But Not Israel, Which Killed More People?

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal asked at today’s State Department briefing why the U.S. appears concerned about the “genocide” of the Uyghur Muslim population in China but not Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

Max Blumenthal To State Department: Why Does U.S. Accuse China And Russia Of Genocide But Not Israel, Which Killed More People?