[2017] Why vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability

In 1986 Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), creating a no-fault compensation program to stabilize a vaccine market adversely affected by an increase in vaccine-related lawsuits and to facilitate compensation to claimants who found pursuing legitimate vaccine-inflicted injuries too difficult and cost prohibitive.

Why vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability

A Letter to the Vaccinated

Ontario Civil Liberties Association | August 29, 2021

Following their “Open Letter to the Unvaccinated”, an expanding group of Canadian scholars has now written a letter addressing “the vaccinated”. The writers expose the divisiveness of vaccination status and denounce the resulting rift in society.

Giving up civil liberties in exchange for a false sense of safety is futile. We must not accept a descent into medical apartheid in Canada and around the world.

The letter appeals both to those who chose to take the vaccine and those who were coerced. It reflects on the broader implications of our actions in an effort to collaborate on a constructive path forward.

A Letter to the Vaccinated

‘No need to rush’: Senator warns of FDA’s shortcuts to full approval of COVID-19 vaccine

‘No need to rush’: Senator warns of FDA’s shortcuts to full approval of COVID-19 vaccine (Archived)

“I see no need to rush the FDA approval process for any of the three COVID-19 vaccines. Expediting the process appears to only serve the political purpose of imposing and enforcing vaccine mandates,” Mr. Johnson wrote in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Times.

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy told “Fox News Sunday” that moving the Pfizer vaccine from “emergency” to “full approval” would make mandates more appealing.

Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, who is on the Pfizer board of directors, also said the full approval will prompt more vaccine mandates.


Gottlieb’s Pfizer Announces $1.95 Billion Deal with Feds for COVID-19 Vaccine

Just hours before the Pfizer vaccine news became public, Gottlieb appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box to explain that any vaccine will need to be administered on an annual basis.


Some more notes that I made, about Gottlieb and the coronavirus, in March 2020.

Federal Vaccine Program Hasn’t Helped Those Whose Lives Were Altered by COVID-19 Shot

Federal Vaccine Program Hasn’t Helped Those Whose Lives Were Altered by COVID-19 Shot

A national vaccine court has paid out billions to families who could prove their kids were injured by vaccines. But there’s only a skeletal program for the rare victims of covid vaccination, raising concerns as the pressure for mandated shots grows.

Federal Vaccine Program Hasn’t Helped Those Whose Lives Were Altered by COVID-19 Shot


Why won’t the US medical establishment “believe women”? Covid-19 vaccines do not warn about menstrual disruption

Latest VAERS Data Show Reports of Blood Clotting Disorders After All Three Emergency Use Authorization Vaccines

Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines revealed reports of blood clots and other related blood disorders associated with all three vaccines approved for Emergency Use Authorization in the U.S. — Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (J&J). So far, only the J&J vaccine has been paused because of blood clot concerns.

Latest VAERS Data Show Reports of Blood Clotting Disorders After All Three Emergency Use Authorization Vaccines

H/T: The Free


If J&J Coronavirus Vaccine Shots Are Halted Because of Blood Clots, Why Not Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech Also?